
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Lazy Edition of Sports from Girl's POV

Hello Readers...Happy day before Friday Thursday!!

One of my favorite things about sports are the awesome mind-blowing plays and of course, the messed up plays. I love the Top Ten and Worst Ten plays on Sports Center. I know a lot of women don't like sports, a fact that still puzzles me, but I am sure that everyone can enjoy the following videos.

So enjoy these sport video clips because 1) they are awesome and 2) I am just too busy to actually write an entry.

Magic Johnson- Greatest Basketball Player of All Time!

Best Plays of the Decade

Not Top 10- This is one of my favorite segments on Sports Center. I love seeing horrible plays and funny things that happen in sports

Hope you enjoyed my Sports from a Girl's POV-Lazy Edition