
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Showing posts with label vent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vent. Show all posts

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Im just going to attempt to free write because Im Pissed (HUGE VENT..Its ok if you skip this one)

Sidenote: Sorry about my momentary ridiculousness yesterday about the commenting. I didnt mean for it to come across the way it did... Complaining. So please just ignore that. I love you all and I know that I shouln't care about how many comments I get and I know you all read but just get super usy, hey i understand. So Sorry again. :)

Today has just been a ventacular week. So bear with me but I need to stop keeping things in and I guess this is a safe place to vent. The only way this entry will be related to sports is that I wish I played a sport because then I can hit things really hard and run people over and just pummel people to the ground. I really should get into a team sport, preferibly one that utilizes a lot of force.

Oh how I would kill to do this right now!!
Photo Source: Desertnews.com

OK so I carpool with one of my coworkers to work because she happens to live really close to me. At the beginning all was cool and it was working out great. Kevin would drop me off at her house, we would take advantage of the carpool lane to and from work, and would usually just get along great. Some key points to add is I would get dropped off over there and she would NEVER be ready. She would be putting together her lunch still or running around trying to get the last of her things together. So we would usually leave 5-10 minutes after I got there. Well I am a pretty laidback person so I was just whatever about this.

Photo Source: Phuckinpissedoff.com

I make mistakes too people, I am human so there have been times that I have gotten there late and she woulkd be waiting in the car. There was also one time when I was sick that I completly slept through my alarm and I apologized to her profously for that because I actually never made it over to her house. Most of the time lately I have been getting there right when she is finally ready to leave and that has worked out much better because I wouldnt have to sit around awkwardly at her house watching her put together her lunch. Oh and for the last 2 weeks I have been having to get a ride home with Kevin because for various reasons she couldn't give me a ride home. Thats fine, I can deal. I mean sure that meant being stranded at work until 6:30 (kevin works 10-6) but I was dealing with it.

However, lately she has been being more and more rude to me and getting angry at me for being a couple of minutes late. Im sorry but how many times are you actually ready when I get there even if I am late? Its harder to get to her house on time because I have to drive there and yet often times even with that I am still there before she is ready...seriously? So needless to say I have been getting irritated more and more by her in the morning.

Photo Source:pissedoffteacher.com

Today was the straw that broke the camel's back and hopefully if I get my way I wll not be carpooling with her any longer... (I probably won't get my way though). She said she wanted to leave by 7:30 because she had a call at 8:30...Fair enough except that she couldn't be ready in time yesterday when I had a call at 8:30 (we left at 7:45...5 minutes after I got there I should add). So this morning I was running late (ok to be fair to her I have been running late most mornings but 90% of the time I am there before she is ready) and I even texted her to let her know and apologize. I was 5 minutes late and when I got into her car she gave me the silent treatment (can we say awkward and juvinielle) then when I apologized (for a second time) she started yelling at me. She said how frustrated she was and how she doesn't mind going by herself but when she says she wants to get there early it is frustrating that I was late etc. She also brought up that 1 time I woke up way late and just went to work myself which was almost a month ago (wow way to hold onto something). She just kept telling me how much she was annoyed by the fact that I am ALWAYS late (wait what??). She went on for a good 5 minutes. Wow...way to have a shitty morning.

I did defend myself saying that I understand how frustrating it is to not leave on time as I have dealt with that  on numerous occasions with her. I told her that I too had a call at 8:30 yesterday yet we left late but I didn't yell at her about it because I had already done everything for that call before I left the house because I had assumed that she would be running late. Oh and didn't she state very clearly to me a month ago not to schedule calls before 9 because it is just too difficult to get there on time?  Then she got mad because I was texting a lot this morning. Excuse me that I was super angry and didn't feel like exploding on her.

One more important fact...she is a horrible driver and I mean horrible. She never pays attention and I have to tell her when there are brake lights.We have almost got into a couple of accidents. She waits till the last minute to get over and cuts people off. Oh and we would have gotten to work by 8 am today if she hadn't missed the exit. Seriously? Wow! Instead we got her at 8:05... Wow all that yelling for nothing.

So if you made it through that, congratulations. Do you think that I am pissed off for no reason? Am I being ungrateful? How would you handle this situation?

P.S. I am so excited for my online drafts this weekend. Yay for fantasy football. Now I have to sit down tonight and do tons of research and prerank my players.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I wanna talk about me!!!! Oh and lets play tag...

Hello Lovelies! Today is Wednesdays and you all should know what that means by now. Time to learn more about me!

First a little Wednesday Vent. I am really hating work lately and I wish that I wasn't. I mean I love where I work and usually I love my job but just lately I have been in a slump. I am super hard on myself and I am a bit of a perfectionist (but only when it comes to work) so when I'm not overexcelling at work I get depressed. I seriously don't know what to do because I have been feeling this way for a week now. My stomach hurts, Im unmotivated, angry all the time, and just wanting to give up. Any words of advice or encouragement would be great. I just don't like feeling this way and its getting worse. When did I dread going to work? UGH this is only making me even more stressed out.

Oh I was tagged by My Life in Purple so before Wee Bit Wednesdays. I must fulfill my tag duties.

The rules are fairly simple to follow: I must answer 8 questions, make up 8 questions of my own, and tag 8 people. Simple enough.

1. Margaritas; crushed and blended or over ice?

I like it crushed and blended and usually a flavor. My favorite is from Chilis, their strawberry margarita with sugar on the rim is delicious!

2. On top, on bottom, or other?
Wow...She made some personal questions. Hmm, I guess I'll say bottom or other.
3. What colour lingerie do you wear when you want to feel sexy?
Black with hints of pink in it. Hot pink especially makes me feel sexy.
4. If your life were a book like Eat. Pray. Love., what would your three words be?
Hmmm Work, Play, Love (or Smoke Hookah). LOL
5. Where is your 'happy place'? Is it real, or imaginary?
I have a couple of happy places (in no particular order). Hookah lounge, beach, Dave & Busters, Barnes & Noble, and Staples Center
6. Have you ever purchased anything "As Seen on TV"?
I haven't personally. My mom got a magic bullet when I was in high school. I liked it a lot
7. Have you ever looked up your lover's ex? (Facebook, Google, etc.)
Ive looked at pictures he has shown me on myspace. But I personally have not.

8. Who in your life would you really love to tell off?
No one pops into my head right now. :)


Im pondering them ok?
1) What is one thing (non-mandatory) that you do in your free time that you couldn't give up no matter how much someone would pay you?
2) Have you done anything that you thought you would never do or something that would shock your parents if they found out (i.e. I got a tattoo and I never thought I would do that. If you would have asked me in highschool I would have said HELL NO)
3) What is one perk that you never could give up even if it didn't exactly fit in your budget?
4) What did you want to be when you grew up? What are you now?
5) What do you sleep in?
6) If you were given $50,000 today and told you could only spend it on one thing what would you purchase?
7) What non-domesticated animal would you want as your pet if there were no danger involved?
8) What noise bugs you to no end?

Tag Your it: Brittany, Leigh, VicStar, Shelley, Smitty, Meg, JG 
**PS If you weren't tagged but want to answer these fantastic questions anyway then please do so either here or on your blog... I wish I could tag everyone but didn't want to break the rules** Double PS. If you guys don't follow these lovely girls you need to. Not only do they have fantastic blogs but they are some of the most loyal followers :)

{one} what was your favorite birthday gift?

Oh gosh...This is so hard because 1) I have a horrible long term memory and 2) I have had some great gifts over the years.. Kevin got me an ipod nano for my bday last year, that was pretty awesome. Also for my 18th party my parents helped pay for a huge party I wanted. Kevin is still waiting for this year's bday gift to be available and if it is what I think it is then that will be one of my favorites :)

{two} have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting?

Im from CA...we don't do those things here lol. Now I am going to have to google snipe-hunting because I don't even know what that is
{three} what’s the strangest talent you have?

My ability to memorize certain things for a short amount of time. Use to piss my professors off because I could skip a lot of classes, glance at the notes, and then ace the test. Or how about the fact that I have a horrible long term memory but I can remember what people were wearing when I met them or at various events. Are those talents?
{four} what are your favorite kind of chips?

Im not really a big chip eater. I like pita chips with hummus. Yummy! Thats one of my constant cravings lately.
{five} do you know any tongue twisters?

Of course... Sally sells sea shells down by the sea shore. I hate tongue twisters though... I suck at them
{six} what was the last movie you saw in a theater?

Despicable Me....It was so good too
{seven} do you collect anything?

Animal hair? LOL JK. Its just our condo has way too much fur flying around with our 2 cats and our dog. I don't really collect anything...not officially anyway.

{eight} what is something you wish you were better at?

cleaning, following through on my obligations, being organized, nt taking things so personally, making friends, making plans, and the list goes on and on.

{nine} what’s the worst habit you have?

Oh lord... I have so many. Swearing, being messy, sticking my toes together (kevin hates this)

{ten} when you wake up, what is the first thing you think?

"5 more minutes" and I usually press the snooze button a million times (yet another bad habbit)
Well Happy Hump Day everyone!! Only 2.5 more work days until the weekend!! WOOT

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lets move on to August please

So I am suppose to have Tuesday's Feature today but I forgot all about it. I guess that just explains my life recently... So I am having a HORRIBLE day and I had a bad day yesterday. Two bad days in a row? That doesn't typically happen to me therefore I am going to VENT! Sorry, I'll forgive you if you just decide to close this right now.

  • So it has felt like there has been a raincloud over my head for the past two days. No matter what I do I can't shake it off.  Everything that can go wrong has. Go away rain cloud!

  • Work has been making me want to pull my hair out. People are being super rude to me. Yes, I understand it is a busy tax time and that every business is in the middle of provision and quarter filings but that shouldnt be an excuse for them to yell at me and hang up on me.
  • Another thing that is bugging the beejezus out of me is that my laundry seems to be endless. Ok I know I suck at doing it but when I try to actually be domesticated it just is too impossible to do it all at once. How do you all cope with it? I have a full time job where i dont get home until close to 7... How do I keep up with the housework? I need magical cleaning fairies, or I need to make more money so I can have my cleaning lady come in more often.

  • Beware this vent might make me sound like a horrible person... I am in a transition stage right now because of my new job and responsibilities. I am also changing a lot which means I am growing apart from some friends and closer to others. I have 2 friends in particular that I am growing apart from and it semi-sucks but I know that in the end it is for the better. These girls use to be my best friends but one completly changed because of her bf and the other is still a close friend but she lives far away and she is on a different maturity level and is at a different stage in her life...
  •  I would like to talk about the second one because she is driving me CRAZY! She is being SUPER CLINGY. Texting me stuff like "I love you" all the time and "please dont let us grow apart". Am I a bad person because these constant texts are driving me crazy? You can be honest...I can take it 
Thats all my venting for today. I am hoping my bad days stop soon or I might just go crazy!