
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Showing posts with label Weekend Recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekend Recap. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A HodgePodge Post!

Ok well... Its going to be a crazy week as its the last week of the month and quarter. I am legitamately stressed out for the first time in my current job. Oh well I just need to get past this week. that is why I didnt really have time nor the motivation to do a post yesterday.

Here is my quick weekend recap:
  • Friday: Took my friend to the airport then had couples game night. (I wrote about it in my Happy List)
  • Saturday: Layed around all day. That night we went over to my neighbor's house to a party over there. It was a lot of fun but I might have had a bit too much fun when explains my sunday.
  • Sunday: :Layed in bed most of the day and was 100% lazy. Went over to Buck and Dlo's that night to watch the Laker game. Had yummy chicken fajitas taco (with Tapatio my obsession) and Sees suckers for dessert. We also watched a lot of Weapon Warriors  Deadliest Warriors on Spike.
Yep it was a lovely weekend full of a lot of lazyness and fun times.

So yesterday I decided that I was going to start training for a half marathon. Yep the thoughts that just pop into my head. SOOOOOO I will be running my first half marathon on Oct 9,2011. I was a competitive runner for 6 years but I did mostly middle distance (mile and 800). I did Cross country for 5 years but the longest distance I ever ran was 10 miles. I am pretty excited to get back into running but nervous at the same time (as I need to strengthen my bad ankle)

I have created (bv merging together a variety of different plans) a 7 week program in which I will be running in a 5K and a 10K. Then I will start on a 20 week training program for the 1/2 marathon. So all in all it is a 27 week training program which I feel will be good for me.

So here are my running goals and plans.
  • Start training today! Thats right folks I will be running a 2.5 miler in just a little bit
  • Run in a 5K race on April 23. I hope to get 21 minutes or faster (I use to run them in 19-20:30).
  • Run in a 10K race on May 15. My main goal is to finish without walking. I actually hope to get a time better than 49 min.
  • Stick to my 27 week training program even with my work and personal travels that I have coming up
  • Run the 1/2 marathon! My goal is just to finish.

Except it will say 1/2 marathon... :)
I will be proving a lot to myself if I get trained in time and run the whole 1/2 marathon. I will be so proud of myself. I know its going to be a long adventure but I will blog about my progress here. Anyone out there that has ran a 1/2 or full marathon? Any advice

One last thing, I am super excited because we will be leaving for vacation next Thursday! :) YAY!! I cant wait to fly up to SF and just experience the sites. Going to be nice to take a longer vacation then just a weekend

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It was a busy but quick weekend- Clubbing, Drinking, and Nap Times

SO for the past few weekends we have been packing our weekends full of stufff because during the week we dont have much time to do stuff. While its great to be doing fun stuff all weekend the downfall is that the weekend goes by way too fast.

I may be a day late but here is my weekend recap. I will start with Thursday night because this week that was part of the weekend since it was St. Patty's day after all

Thursday: Im here for the Green Beer

Kevin and I went to one of my "sister's" house who was hosting a party complete with Green beer, shamrock sandwiches,  and lime and margarita jello shots. It was a green green night. I came with 2 travel coffee cups filled with my drink of choice lately (Sweet Tea Vodka and Lemonade-alcoholic Arnold Palmer) since I do not like beer. I also brought the Margarita jello shots I made which ended up being a big hit (lime jello made with 1 cup water, 1 cup tequila and a shot or two of Triple Sec).

Me, my munchkin, and my roomie!

The "family". Stephanie claims me and Kevin are her parents lol

I ended up hanging with a bunch of my other sisters dancing the night away while the boys chatted it up on the outside of the dance floor. I literally danced the night away and didnt care that I had to get up early the next morning for work.

Oh and it was great because I played a joke on my "roomie" (she was my college roommate for 2 years and we still call eachother that). She is super afraid of leprechauns and there was this dude there that was dressed like a leprechaun so I had him chase her around all night...Reminded me of being back in college.
Me with my Roomie.. See she still loves me

Saturday: Party like a Drunkard RockStar

Don't we look gorgeous? (one of the many shots of the evening)
I skipped Friday because all I did was come home from work and watch TV then go to sleep pretty early. I know how lame. Anyway...Saturday during the day was full of errands of which now I cant remember what we had to do and then we had to make sure our house was clean for Saturday night because we were having people over for a pre-party before going clubbing in Pasadena.

The pre-party was a lot of fun and I am sure there were people that were willing to stay and play at our house instead of going to the club. I had my 2nd batch of margarita jello shots along with Tequila Rose (amazing strawberry tasting stuff that you should try), tequila shots, and alcoholic Arnold Palmers. The kitchen was the happening place with lots of drinking and laughs and of course pictures.

Tequila Rose. I like it because it tastes yummy and its pink

Jello Shots!

When we finally ventured off to the club it was 10 pm. We got there about 10:30 or 10:45. I have decided we had way too many people with us that it was hard to keep up with everyone. It was me and 3 of my sisters (Elle, Roomie, and munchkin), one of my girl friends and her friend (Wendy and Kalli), and boyfriends and friends (5 guys). Then when we got to the club I met up with another girl friend and her friend (Chey and Veronica) and kevin had 4 friends come. It was pretty crazy.


There were lots of kissy pictures

Exhibit A...This is one of my favorites. See sisters love each other
See Exhibit B

And Exhibit C... I Love this picture of us though

I tried to dance as much as possible but I think I kept getting distracted with conversations and drinks. I also managed to sneak a flask in so we had a little too much fun with that. It was a successful night though because we all had a lot of fun, danced a bunch, enjoyed our drinks without anyone getting stupid drunk, and had the most entertaining car ride home. The only bad thing? I didnt sleep at ALL that night.

Well that was my weekend. Sorry for the lengthy post and the excess of pictures. Hopefully I didnt bore you too much :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Craziness has Subsided... Weekend Round up

Hi Everyone!!

So things have been sooo crazy the last 2 months BUT I am happy to report that it will finally slow down. :)

I have been so busy because my sorority/society has been pledging over the last 5 weeks and I am the alumni sponsor so I had to be at pretty much every single event (which drove Kevin mad). But they had their convocation celebration on Saturday so we welcomed 15 new girls into the society.

I am participating in Mingle Monday over at Life of Meg. Its a fun blog hop so check it out by clicking the button below and link up!

Mingle 240

So for the weekend recap:


Kevin and I were able to have another date night. With my schedule lately it has been nearly impossible to spend 2 quality nights together a week so it was really great to have another fantastic date night. We went to the Improv to see Jay Mohr and it was fantastic. I havent been to the Improv to often nor have I seen too many stand up comedians so it was awesome. We started off the night with dinner and drinks at Dave & Busters which reminded us that we have to go there soon for a group date night because its lots of fun.

Then we headed over to the Improv. The first comedian was really funny. He reminded me a lot of Jack Black. He was a great opening act. Jay Mohr was HILARIOUS! He did a great impersonition of Charlie Sheen "Duh Winning!" and he was completly inapropriate which is what makes comedy so awesome. Then he ended with some other great impersoniations. My favorite was when he did Tracy Morgan but it was closely followed by his Christopher Walkin impression. All in all it was a fantastic night.

Saturday: BUSY BUSY

This was the last official day of pledging and it was the day of celebrations. I was super busy all day. We met the girls at 11:30 am where we then sung songs to them and did the rituals by the rock. Then we did our afternoon ceremony at an alumni house.We then did the school ceremony where we presented our new girls to everyone and went out to eat.

Our new girls... The 2nd from the left is my new Little (I have 2 little sisters now)

After that I had a mini break and went to a BBQ at my next door neighbor's house. I was there for an hour before I had to leave to go PARTY it up with the new girls while we went from house to house that night. It wasnt as much fun as I usually have but mostly because Im getting too old foir that stuff. Thius will be my last year attending that party and I only did it because I took another fantastic "little sis"

Sunday: Sleepy Day

Does anyone else get as exhausted by the time change? I hate spring forward. I actually hate the time change in general. It is an old tradition that should stop since we arent farmers anymore and dont rely on the sun and time like they use to. We have electricity now...

So Kevin and I practicially slept all day. When we werent sleeping we were watching tv.. The Office of course because we cant go a day without watching it. I also started watching King of the Crown which is a beauty pagent show (that isnt as scary as Toddlers & Tiaras) and Whose Wedding is it Anyway (not one of my favorite wedding shows).

We also played Trivial Pursuit which Kevin wooped my ass good.. I have begun to realize I am not really smart (haha) and I dont have any talents that I can show. So I am going to start working on those two things. i need to be more well rounded.

Well that was my weekend! I am looking forward to a quieter week and hopefully getting a puppy...The one I wanted got adopted but I just really want a puppy so if I come across one that I fall in love with Kevin said I can get it. But I have to really really want it...

What are your talents? How was your weekend?

P.S. Sorry about the lack of photos on my entries. I need to buy a new usb cord for my camera because I lost mine...I just havent gotten around to doing that.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A brief Recap with No Pictures...What type of blogger am I

Hiya Folks!! Well obviously I have been SUPER busy over the past days so of course I havent had the willpower to write a blog. My view on blog entries is to only write them when you want to (or if you see a really awesome blog journal that you want to partake in). So anyway. It is almost 2 am and I need to wake up at 7 am to double check my bags and get ready... I am flying out to Atlanta tomorrow. I am going to be there until Saturday afternoon (pacific time) for training for my new job. So Im going to make this a very quick recap


Overall it was good. It was super stressful only at the point where we were putting everything in the oven. I knew that timing everything was going to be difficult but I didnt realize that it would be impossible. Ive been told that we have to host it a couple of times to semi get it down. Who knows. I dont think I want to host it again for a while. Its a lot of work, SUPER expensive, and a lot of cleaning (that we may or may not have fully finished yet).

My family (mom, dad, and brother only) came over. We served turkey, stuffing*, candied yams, mash potatoes, green bean caserole, cranberries, bread rolls, salad, and 2 pies. Our turkey was AMAZING. The best turkey I ever had. Kevin did a fantastic job of seasoning it and then we put chicken broth in the bag we cooked it in so it was so moist that it was falling off the bone (I even ate the white meat which I usually hate because it was so moist). *The stuffing was so much of a disaster that we had to throw the first batch down the sink and had to have my dad go out and get 2 more boxes of Stovetop. My green bean casserole was delicious. And I have cme to realize that I will never have a Thanksgiving without the rolls being burned on the bottom.

After we ate we played Loaded Questions and watched The Office. All in all it was fun but STRESSFUL.


Lounged around all day. That night I went out with a couple of my friends to the Hookah bar. It was awesome because I saw a friend I havent seen in months. We were there from 9 pm-2 am. Then Kevin came and met me over there hung out for a bit and then we went home. wE didnt go to bed until 4 am or so.


The best day I have had in a long time. We went and visited with one of Kevin's cousins he hadnt seen in 17 years (since he was 11 years old-do the math lol). She is soo awesome and her house is to die for. We hung out with her and her husband and 2 year old daughter. Had wine and chocolate cake. I had an awesome shot of this tequila called Tres something... You don't need limes or anything with it. Soo smooth. I couldn't get enough of their house. Then we went out to eat at a good Mexican resturant and had the best Margaritas I have ever had. After we got back the boys watched a Rush Documentary (which Dave was nice enough to buy Kevin a copy of) and me and his cousin (Lynn) had girl talk. We ended up leaving there at 12 am. It was soo much fun


Football in the morning. Shopping at Kohls with my friend who I hadnt seen in a while who I went to Hookah with on Friday. More football. Watched my boys (the Chargers) kick some Colts Butt! Then I went with one of my friends to Hookah.

I am leaving tomorrow at 11:30 am from LAX and I really doubt I will be on here too much. I will have scheduled posts (AKA kevin making sure the posts go through) because  I am participating in a 25 Days of Christmas blog journal/meme.

I love Christmas time! I love the fact that I can listen to Christmas music finally and hopefully start decorating for it,

Sorry this was much longer and more boring than I intended it. I hope you all have a fantastic week!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Took a little Blogcation and a Birthday!

Hello Folks! Sorry I took a mini blogcation. I think I am back but Im not positive yet. I have some exciting news that hopefully Ill be able to share on Friday but it means I may or may not be kinda scarce in this bloggy world for the next couple of weeks or so. Ill fill you in with the details when I am able to. :) So today is Wednesday and that means Wee Bit of Me Wednesday.

Oh wait you want a little bit of an update? Ok um... This weekend was pretty low key. Went and saw kevin's band play on Friday, girl time on Saturday, and football on Sunday. I am happy that the Chargers have won 2 in a row (there may still be hope). This week has been whatever but it seems to be ending on a positive note (hopefully more on that on Friday). Oh and I will be going to Vegas on a girls trip from Friday-Monday. So yah, go ahead and be jealous ;). 

Now enjoy learning more about me like you do every week. :) And link up over at Leigh Ashleys blog (click on the little logo below) because its a lot of fun

{one} do you collect anything? if so, what and how long have you been collecting?
I use to collect thimbles (back when I was in high school). I guess I semi-collect shot glasses now...especially ones from Vegas. Im sure I will come back with a couple on Monday. 
This is just a small part of our collection  but 3 of these are Vegas themed. Oh and my old roommate took my black and pink Vegas shot glass so I have to replace that one of course.
{two} what is one cleaning tip that you swear by? Avoid it at all costs!!! Im not kidding. I really do avoid it as much as possible... :(

{three} who would you call for bail money? Kevin...He would be able to come get me or at least find someone who could :0
{four} what is one thing you miss about being a kid? the lack of responsibility!(AMen to that Leigh Ashley) and my dolls and playing with my siblings. We were really close.
Me, my brother, and my sister soon after we came back from the HP release party of Deathly Hallows. And yes I am a dork and I was actually reading. I didn't want to put down the book to take a picture lol

{five} name a few of your guilty pleasures.
Starbucks and Wedding Blogs. OBSSESSED!

{six} how early do you start your holiday shopping?
I usually wait till the week of Christmas. Yep, I am that cool :0

{seven} what is a family tradition that you would like to pass on to your significant other/children? I would say the way we open presents. I would want to open stockings Christmas morning while eating our breakfast and then open the rest after we finish eating. Also to open 1 present on Christmas eve. Another tradition is to pass down to the kids once they are old enough and actually here lol these are imagination kids right now (whether it be my own or my nieces and nephews). It is a Thanksgiving contest. Where the kids weigh themselves before they eat and then after and whoever gains the most weight wins. Yep we're fattys.
{eight} what do you consider your greatest achievement? Hmm getting through college, being financially independent, and being able to get a job straight out of college.
{nine} what do you do to pamper yourself? I get massages and my nails done
if you were to start your own restaurant, what would it be called? Kevin is so much better at this than I. Is there a Love Shack? Im sure there is but if not thats what I would call it. Only because Im too lazy to think of a better answer right now ;)

A Big Happy Birthday to one of my favorite Bloggers! Ashley from Love, Ashely. Go wish her a Happy Birthday and check out her blog if you havent already. She is pretty fantastic. I hope you have a very lovely birthday :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Best Halloween Weekend Ever...Why do weekends have to end?

Hello All!! I had a great weekend and I hope you all did too. Seriously, this was by far one of the best Halloweens I have ever had! I am just so glad that everything went well. I am so happy that I am not even going to pout about the Giants or any other bad sports stuff that happened this weekend (even though really it mostly was good). I cant wait to read about all of your weekends and see costumes :)

Warning:There may be some pictures in one of my recaps that may be PG...This is my warning :)

(Epic) Weekend Recap

Friday: Chill Night
So Friday we went over to Chris and D-lo's (from HumbleAblog) house and had a nice dinner and hang out time with them, Chris and Rosemary (Ro Ro Ro Your Blog), and James . We ordered pizza and watched the Lakers win(!!). We also had fantastic apple cake that D-lo and Chris made. It was delicious and I usually don't like fruit cakes or pies. It was nice to have girl talk with D-lo and Rosemary. All in all it was a chill night, its too bad that we live 20 minutes away because we left earlier than I wanted to because we were getting tired.

Saturday: Halloween Part 1

 Saturday was a crazy busy day. We got a late start and then we laid around  watching TV (me Grey's Anatomy and him Step Brothers). We had a lot of shopping to do for our last minute costumes because thats how we roll. It was a lot of fun going to the mall and shopping with Kevin even if we were a bit grumpy because of hunger (we are like little kids in that way). I might have spent a little bit too much on new makeup :) But hey its the price of beauty right. Then I got little booty shorts, a baseball tee, socks, and black out strips for my costume. Kevin got a button up shirt and a tie for his costume.
At the party we went to Saturday night they had a little photo section set up. Pretty nifty

For Halloween I was a sexy baseball player :) and Kevin was Don Draper from Mad Men (well for Saturday). 

That night we went to a party with our friends, Vero and Carlos (pictured above). It was about 45 minutes away from where we live and we only knew Vero and Carlos but it was still chill and a lot of fun. Except when the crappy band played but luckily the cops shut that down pretty quickly. I liked the party because everyone got really into it and the costumes were fantastic and original. There was some intense dedication like tis one dude shaved half his head for a costume. My camera was of course dead on Saturday so Im waiting for my friend to post the pictures on facebook. We have a really good one with Lady Gaga :) After the party we went to Denny's and then home to pass out at 4 am.

Sunday: Sports Day and Halloween Part 2

So on Sundays I never sleep in because I always forget to fix my fantasy  football teams (which by the way I am doing pretty good in). Anyway I woke up at 7:45 (yay for 3.5 hours of sleep) and fixed my team and then took my dog for a walk in his halloween costume. 
        Funny park story, I ran into these three little kids (probably about 4-6 years old) and they asked "is that a dog?" and the mom told them "yes, he is wearing a lobster costume for Halloween. You know how you wear costumes? Well dogs can too." little kids "Coool!!!" Aww so cute.
PeeWee loved his walk and then I came home got settled in and watched the games and browsed the web while Kevin slept on the couch. Perfect Sunday morning/afternoon for me. 
Kevin may or may not kill me for putting this up. But isnt he adorable with the pink blanket and his jersey? 
Typical Sunday at my place. You have to have at lease two screens to watch the game on. 
Obviously the Chargers listened to my letter to them because they won yesterday. And maybe just maybe if they win out for the rest of the season they might be able to make it to the playoffs (yah don't worry Im not holding my breath). There were quite a few great football games on yesterday and Im glad I got to see them. Oh and then after the Charger game we went and watched Kevin's brother in law play ice hockey at the rink right by our house. It was fun even though they lost and we were bad luck for them (the opposing team won 4-3 and they scored 1 of their goals right when we walked in...his team was up 3-1 when we got there...yah bad luck)
"Sexy" Baseball Player  

Sunday night from 8 pm-12:30 am we were at an AWESOME Halloween party at my hookah lounge. It was super cool. It was me, Kevin, Cathy, her boyfriend David, and Lori. It was a lot of fun...one of the best Halloween parties I ever went to. There was hookah, good music, dancing, and great company. I'll let the pictures tell you the rest :)
Dodger Player (or smurf ;P )
That's right we went matchy for Sunday night 
Just chillaxing and smoking some hookah

Baseball Player and "Scary Pittsburgh fan"

They are so cute. She was Freddy Kruger (she had a hat and the hand) and he was a zombie or something like that

Dance party!! (yah we are dressed hoochie but I wear less at the beach :P)

The boys, up to no good.

The girls...looking hot :) (and Im apparently getting molested as well)
All in All it was a great weekend...Except I pouted like this when the Giants won ;)

How was your weekend? What did you do for Halloween? What were you?

P.S. Sorry about the excess of pictures and the long ass entry. I just dont know how to shut up 

Monday, October 25, 2010

When the Going Gets Tough...Drink Up!!

Hmm sounds like the typical advice I got when I was in college. The highlight of my weekend (Saturday night) made me feel like I was in college again... Crazy times... Well as promised here is my weekend recap.

Friday:Couch Potato

Well as I stated on Friday I went to Halloween Horror Night on Thursday and I didn't get home until 3 am so I only got about 4 hours of sleep before a full day (sorta) of work on Friday. Needless to say I was a bum on Friday night and watched a whole lotta this

Season 6: OMG gets funnier every season

doing a whole lotta this
Well more sleeping and less acting silly but that was my lovely fashion statement for the night haha

Saturday: Dia de Los Muertos Celebration and Kevin's Surprise Party

During the day I went to a cemetery with my friend Chey and her daughter because they were doing  a Dia de Los Muertos  celebration. Yes I realize that it is not until Nov.2nd but I am not the one who makes up these festivals. It was an okay festival...just too many people. But I did have yummy food (tamale and corn on the cob with chili). Then I went to Chey's house where she did my hair and makeup for the evening...Fun Day

At night it was Kevin's surprise bday party. His bday was on September 29th but we finally celebrated it on Oct 23. I was super nervous because I was throwing him a surprise party at our house and let me tell you its hard to throw a surprise party. Basically my cover up was I was taking him out for his dinner and then we were going to come back home and drink and watch Netflix. I had one of his friends arrive at my place early to set up and get people redy for the surprise...easy enough right? NOT! Not when the Giants decide to win and go to the World Series and you have a very PISSED OFF boyfriend who scarfs down his entire plate of food in less than 10 minutes. Needless to say it was a lot of fun eating super slowly so I can buy 1 hour lol.
The classic "Why the Hell are there people in my house and why are they yelling surprise?"

The party was a BIG success...He had no idea and he was super shocked. All of his important friends were there. He got good and drunk (is 14 shots too many?) and had a lot of fun just hanging out with his friends all evening. We had beer pong going, music playing, alcohol flowing, and nonstop shot taking. I think he had a great late birthday celebration. Once again pictures do way better at talking then I do.
Shots, Shots, Shots!!

Yummy Shot Time (I believe this was Kevin's 10th and my 2nd...)
Us Girls and the Dog

Kevin's shot face.

More shots

Group shot with most of the people at the party (minus about 5)

Kevin was a ladies man that night
Yah Kevin gets a little naughty when he is intoxicated...

Kevin and some of his best buds. The one in the black was my lifesaver for the night :)

All the beauties!

Oh what, more shots?
Silly us... We totally didn't plan this either which is what cracks me up.

 All in all I believe it was a great evening and I am just happy that Kevin and all hsi friends had a great time.

Sunday: Cleaning and Lazy Day

The Chargers really need to fire Norv Turner.

So I woke up pretty early on Sunday (around 8 am) and cleaned the entire condo. 4 garbage bags later and I was done. Well I didnt do the detail cleaning. Man though I didn't know so many red cups, beer bottles/cans, and other random trash. Seriously our place looked like a frat house after a HUGE party (I should have taken a picture of it). Oh well, it was worth it. Then for the remainder of the day we watched the Chargers play pathetically. I mean seriously I don't even want to talk about it..Im going to address all the problems with the Chargers on my Thursday blog entry. Then we finished Season 6 of the Office and slept for the majority of the day. Yay for another lazy day!!

How was your weekend?