
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Showing posts with label 30 day journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30 day journal. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You can't Handle All This Good Stuff!

**LAST CHANCE!!** You have until 11 pm EST (or you can try to sneak it in on thursday early morning) to submit your sports-related questions (or whatever you want to ask) to the blog's token Sports Expert, Kevin (aka my boyfriend aka writer of this awesome blog). Come on...you know you want to, its super simple. Just leave your question in the comment of any blog entry you want to and I will make sure he answers it.**

Okay folks. Happy day after election day!! (That should be an official holiday). CA did pretty well for itself except for Prop 19 and Prop 25 but hey at least Meg Whitman didn't become governor. :) I am happy it is hump day. I am trying my hardest to do at least a little work but failing pretty miserably (oh well).

30 Days of Truth
Day 18: Something you Wish You Hadn't Done in your Life
**okay this is actually Day 21's prompt but the prompt for Day 18-20 are pretty deep and I don't have time to write a very opinionated post right now. Those will need preplanning**

I don't believe in regrets and I am also a big believer in fate and "everything happens for a reason". So even though I have had some shitty events happen to me I wouldn't chnge them. Everything that has happened in ,my life has gotten me to where I am now. I wouldn't want to risk changing anything or thinking of the "what-ifs'" because I am pretty pleased with where I am now. I have a great relationship, loved ones who care for me, and I am in a stable and happy place in my life...Hopefully soon I will have a change of jobs :)

{one} do you still use a checkbook?
Yep. I sometimes write checks for my carpool, to pay certain bills, and random emergencies that come up and I can't use my card. I never have cash on me

{two} what size shoe do you wear?
6.5-7.5 Depends on the type of shoe.

{three} scary movies or happy endings?
I like both., Sometimes I like happy endings but sometimes you just need a good scary movie

{four} do you prefer spontaneity or stability?
Stability. I do like spontaneity sometimes but if I had to chose one or the other than it would have to be stability. I would drive myself insane if things weren't stable

{five} what is the most embarrassing cd that you own?
Currently? I don't know. I don't really have all my cds...Oh wait!! I know I have CareBears Holiday Hugs cd. I got it like 3 years ago... Yah Im special but i like this CD

{six} do you watch reality tv?
Some but not the ones that most people watch. I don't like Jersey Shore or anything like that. I like Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. I also like Wedding reality and food network reality as well.

{seven} what is your favorite home-made meal?
My chili. Wait is that cocky to say that? Its yummy ok... mmmmm I guess I also love when I have authentic mexican meals. I just have to get closer to my friends who make them lol

{eight} do you have any allergies?
I use to have a lot. Now i am just allergic to vicodin, penicillin, and morphine :) All the good stuff

{nine} if you could open your own restaurant/store, what would it be?
Good question. I would like to help open a hookah bar one day. Where it is a hookah lounge with a huge dance floor and bar. On the sides it can have all the couches and canopys and the middle can have the dance floor, a bar (or 2). It would be cool

{ten} would you ever go skydiving (or have you been)?
I do want to go skydiving one day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I may or may not be boycotting Facebook..

Yah, I can't really stay away from that social network drug but I am not reading any stalker feeds today and that is because the damn Giants won the World Series (boo and hiss). I am not going to be a witch about it here because that has gotten me in trouble before. All I am going to say is congrats...now the Giants and their fans can go on and on about their one title and make fun of teams with more titles than them (seriously I have seen so many Giants fans being complete douches to the Yankees and the Dodgers). Live it up but you still have less rings than my team (Go Dodgers!)...Okay that is all.
**You still have a chance to "Ask the Sports Expert". Leave your sports (or not) related questions in a comment. On Thursday I will reveal the "expert's" (aka my boyfriend the walking sports encyclopedia) answers/ non-biased opinions. Come on I know you have some!**

So Happy Tuesday everyone, only 4 more days until the weekend (shit its too early to start a weekend countdown?). Today I have a big entry for you because I have been slacking on my 30 Days of Truth and I am also participating in Top Two Tuesday for the first time. So on with the show blog

Today's theme is Favorite Gifts you've Recieved.

This is super hard for me because I have been blessed with great gifts my whole life. I also have a horrible memory so I am sure there are gifts I got when I was younger that I have forgotten.

1) My mom bought me all my dorm room necessities and decorations for my freshman year of college...She even decorated my dorm room for me while I was at a CC meeting  It included the basics ( fridge, microwave, lamp, bed spread) and the extras (tons of posters for the wall, girly pink decorations, shelves, chairs, plates and bowls.) Im just sad that I never took a picture of the room.\
It was pretty similar to this room. Just my room was more open and had a multi-color rug and a pink chair. 

2) Kevin bought me a camera for my birthday this year and that was one of the favorite gifts he has ever gotten me and he has given me some great gifts.

30 Days of Truth
Day 15: Something or Someone you Can't Live Without

I would have to say the very generic but TRUE answer of my loved ones. Seriously, they are the reason I wake up every morning and they are who make me happy. Kevin, my family, my "sisters", and all of my close friends. I think life would suck and be very meaningless if you didn't have loved ones in it.
This is many of my loved ones in one picture :) How can you not love that group right there?

Day 16: Someone or Something you Definitely Could (and Should) Live Without

I have two answers for this.... There are people I could live without... I could live without stupid, rude, inconsiderate, or downright mean people. There are "friends" that I have that I ave been trying to "cut off" but who I just don't know how to tell them "I don;t like you and I don't think we should be friends any longer". Its difficult and I just don' t want to be a bitch. I have 3 friends who I would rather not have in my life anymore.
I could also do without animal poop. I wish there was a way we can make them stop going to the bathroom. I am really bad about cleaning out my cats' litter box or cleaning up my dog's poop. It grosses me out and is on the top of the (very long) list of chores I hate to do.

Day 17: A Book You've Read That Changed Your Views

Oooooo this is tough. Hmmm I read Freakenomics and that made me become way more liberal in my economic views. (BTW an important note is that if you are liberal in economics that means you are fiscally conservative, people often get this backwards). 

Also all of the books I had to read during my philosophy class. I forgot the name of them but I never really stopped and thought about things deeply and they made me think. I know reading Confucius and Plato's philosophical teachings have made me think deeper about life and how I treat others. 

I can't think of that ONE book that changed everything. Most of the books I read in college made me change my views but that was because I was able to think on my own and come up with my own political and social views instead of my parents'.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Insert Clever Title Here.......Happy Friday!

Hiya folks! How are you all doing? I am doing grand except that I am at my job which I hate and trying my hardest to do my work and not slack off (obviously I am failing miserably). I am super excited about Halloween tomorrow even though the plans are semi-up in the air. Trying to find another party to attend but if we can't we have a back-up plan. I do have my halloween costume almost finished and I think it will look super cute.

Well lets examine some of the odd news stories.

Have your husbands, boyfriends, brothers, and guy friends look at this picture so they live a longer life.

Yes, you read that right... Looking at boobs can help men live a longer life (it can add on 5 more years). So next time you see your significant other gawking at some nice looking jugs don't get mad at him, appreciate that he takes his health that seriously...I mean come on he only wants to live a longer life. (Well this is what Kevin tried to convince me of today, not sure I am buying it). Apparently 10 minutes of looking at boobs is equal to a 30 minute aerobic workout. 

There was a 5 year medical study done in Germany on 500 men where they told half of them to stare at breasts daily and the other half to try to refrain from doing so (that half drew the short straw apparently). The half that stared at the breasts had lower blood pressure and less episodes of coronary artery diseases. The conclusion of this study was that men should look at breasts on a daily basis to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes... Hmm, not sure if I buy this clever excuse men have thought up to cover up their oogling of certain women who are well endowed.

4-Year Old can be Sued...WTF?

Ok, so yah I didn't quite read through the whole news article because it was quite boring with a lot of legal mumbo jumbo that I learned back in my one law class I took in college, (bright-line test, negligence,carte blanche, etc). But what I got from this article is that this judge decided that  children that are at least 4-years old can be held responsible for their negligent behavior and be sued. Uh, wow!! Seriously, in this particular case (the little girl ran into an elderly woman and hurt her, the woman later died 3 weeks later-not sure if it was related to this incident) maybe the parents should be held responsible. Not the 4 year old, little kids should not be sued. How will they pay? By breaking open their piggy banks? Seriously the legal system has gotten ridiculous.

Those are the only two good stories this week... The rest are super lame and not odd at all so I won't burden you all with those stories :)

30 Days of Truth
Day 13: A Band or Artist that Have Gotten you Through Tough Days
When I was in middle school I use to get bullied a lot. On the very bad days I would come home and pop in my Mariah Carey "Rainbow" cd and listen to it and just allow myself to cry. Really looking back on it I was pretty pathetic and emo. I wish I would have been a little bit stronger but oh well. It was nice to have her music to help me through it, even if I am ashamed to admit it. The song that I would play over and over was "Can't Take that Away". The lyrics really made me feel "stronger"


They can say,
Anything they want to say,
Try to bring me down,
But I will not allow anyone to succeed hanging clouds over me,
And they can try hard to make me feel that I,
Don't matter at all,
But I refuse to falter in what I believe or loose faith in my dreams

'Cause there's,
There's a light in me,
That shines brightly,
They can try,
But they can't take that away from me from me

A song that will always cheer me up now  is "Basketcase" by Green Day. It is a song that I will put on or think of when I am feeling angry or sad. Maybe it is because I am a basketcase myself ;)
Do you have the time
To listen to me whine
About nothing and everything
All at once
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bone
No doubt about it

Sometimes I give myself the creeps

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Day 14: A Hero That has Let You Down (write a letter)
Well I don't really have a hero or a role model that I can think of off the top of my head. So I will write a letter to someone/something that has let me down recently

Dear SD Chargers:

I am one of your biggest and most loyal fans. Why do you have to make it so hard to be proud of? You have never won a Super Bowl. You choke in the playoffs. On paper you should be one of the best teams in the league yet you are 2-5. Pathetic. I wish that you all would get your act together. You make rookie mistakes (actually mistakes that even high school students wouldn't make). I am sometimes ashamed to admit I'm a fan that chokes every year in the  playoffs (and ow every game this year). 
Let me help you out by telling you what you must do. 1) Fire Norv Turner! 2)Fire the entire speacial teams coaching staff 3) Move to the OC or LA- there is a curse in SD 4) Stop making dumb turnovers 5) Finish your tackles 6) Play till the Whistle blows. 7) Defense do not fall apart in the 4th quarter 8)Get new trainers (you all get injured way too often) 9) Get a new GM but keep AJ Smith for player recruiting and development 10) Utilize your talent to the best of your ability.

Well I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween Weekend... I can't wait to see recaps and pictures.

**All images were found on Google unless otherwise noted**

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Really You're Going to Make me Think?

Hiya folks!! How are you all doing.I am doing okay... Its been a  crappy day complete with work annoyances, stomach aches, and confusion Tuesday.

However, I am super excited for today because it is a big sports day. No I am not talking about the 1st game of the World Series (go Rangers! Boo Giants!) even though I will be watching/following that of course. I am talking about opening day of Basketball!! And as a Laker fan I have gotten semi-used to seeing the ring ceremony performed so I am excited to once again see my boys get their rings!! Seriously I can't contain my excitement because all the (important) sports are in season. Oh and the LA Kings won last night in a shoot out. I am super proud of them so far (keep it up boys). They are #2 in the NHL with a 6-2 record. (OMG how amazing would it be if the Kings won the Stanley Cup and the Lakers won the NBA Finals?!?!...one can dream, right?)

UGH speaking of all these sports reminds me that I haven't gone to a live game in a while. Hello! I really hope I make it out to a bunch of Kings games and I may have a hookup now for Lakers tickets so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get to watch these in person and not on the TV or listening on the radio.

Sorry for all the sport's talk (how many of you did I lose?) Okay well onto my normal entry for today :)

Day 12: Something You Never Get Complimented On
Do any of you really keep track of things you don't get complimented on? I don't. I mean I'm sure I never get complimented on my earlobes, left knee, the way I sneeze,or my pinky toenail. Did I miss the memo that we are suppose to get complimented on things all the time? I guess if I was to have to pick I would say it would be a tie between my voice and my cleaning ability.

1) My voice sounds very nasaly and quite annoying. Multiple that annoyance level by 25 if I have any sugar or alcohol in me. I sound like a mix between Fran Drescher and a crow. Yah not the sexiest voice. My voice is sexy if I have had too much to drink or if I stayed up way too late. 

2) I have no cleaning ability nor an motivation to clean ever. Kevin will gladly confirm this so that is why I would never be complimented on this :)

Are you watching any of the sporting events tonight? Who are you rooting for in the World Series? (If you say Giants go ahead and click unfollow lol, I kid I kid)

I hope you have a great day!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Catching up on Truths... Day 9-11

Hello All! I'm very proud of myself because I took some photos this weekend and I actually brought my camera and usb cable to work so I will be able to upload those and share them with you all a bit later today on my weekend recap. For now, I will catch up on my 30 Days of Truth blog. I thought I would blog more this weekend but I never got around to doing it... I hope you all had fantastic weekends.

Day 9: Someone You Didn't Want to Let Go of but Just Drifted Away From

This is really hard because over time I have drifted away from a lot of different people. I have moved around a lot as a kid so it was difficult to keep any friends. Then I decided that I was going to move away for college (not too far actually but difficult to maintain a close relationship with all my high school friends). I have drifted away from some of my college friends for scheduling issues and also relationships. 

I guess the one I am the most sad about is my high school friend, Wesley. He is one of the most chill guys to hang out with and with him there was never any drama and always fun times. He was there for me so much in high school and we had a lot of fun times during the summers and weekends. We still talk but it is very infrequent and we usually only see each other 2-3 times a year.

Day 10: Someone You Need to Let Go or Wish you Didn't Know

I really don't know on this one. Pretty much everyone that is in my life I want to be in it. The only one I can think of is my ex boyfriend. However, I am not hung up on him at all but he tends to text me once a month. I wish he just wouldn't text me but I am just too nice to tell him to stop. I ignore him and he usually gets the point. I just wish I didn't know him anymore or he didn't have my #. I can't wait until I change my number.
Day 11: Something People Tend to Compliment you Often On

Look wise I get complimented pretty often on my eyes. That is the only physical thing I feel confident about all the time. Otherwise I tend to get complimented on how much I care about others... :)

Well I shall be back a bit later to recap on my weekend :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

I have had about 4 Brain Farts today. I need to go Home

Hello Folks! I hope you are all doing fantastic on this fine Friday afternoon. Let's just say I am counting down the hours until 4:30/5 (or whenever I decide to leave) because I am SUPER exhausted. It is not a good idea to go to Halloween Horror Nights and stay there until about 2 am if you have to be at work the next day. We didn't get home till 3 am and I woke up at 8:30 am. So I have excuses for all my brain farts that I have had today.
How can you not scream when you see about 10 of these in 1 maze. Scary!

Horror Nights was a blast the second time around. I went on the Terror Tram this time and was SUPER scared because you get to walk around on the back lot and they greet you with chainsaws right when you get off. Also Norman (from Psycho, dressed up like his mom though), scared the shit out of me and I made a fool of myself. The Nightmare on Elm Street maze was extremely well done too. I had a lot of fun with Kevin and he even got startled once or twice. Of course I didn't take any photos because I didn't want to be distracted so the monsters could scare me even more. It was bad enough that I had one stalking me as soon as we came in. Now onto some odd news!

Chen, a Taiwanese woman, is marrying herself after starting that she was unimpressed with the men she has dated but feels pressured to get married.She has arranged a wedding ceremony and even has hired a wedding planner to carry out a wedding to herself... I am so confused.

Would you eat this head?

There is a big controversy in South Korea because the government has advised that people should only eat 2 octopus heads a day, fisherman are enraged. Apparently the heads contain Cadmium (a carcinogen that harms livers and kidneys) so people should limit their intake to 2 a day. Dang it, I was eating about 5 a day.

Kevin had this on his blog recently, but I just feel it fits...

It happens often, someone's arm gets stuck in the toilet while trying to retrieve their phone, right? No, no it doesn't. If you drop your phone in the toilet it is most likely ruined so might as well get a new phone. This man in China got his arm stuck in the toilet's pipe after he reached in trying to rescue his phone. Rescuers had to break the toilet to get his arm out...

30 Days of Truth
Day 8: Someone who has made your life Hell or Treated you Like Shit

My ex-boyfriend Trevor. He was emotionally and physically abusive. He took advantage of my family and all they did for him We were together for almost 3 years (high school boyfriend). He also lived with my family because he is in a really bad situation at home...He had his own room and car and my parents always bought him stuff.(I actually didn't lose my virginity until I was in college so nothing went down between us even though he lived with us). One day he decided he was going to move back with his dad with no warning and he broke up with me. Broke my heart. I also found out he cheated on me for 6 months. He was a horrible boyfriend and I don't know why I stuck with him for so long but hey you live and your learn right? He recently contacted me to apologize and every couple of weeks he tries to call me to vent about his problems but I told him that I didn't want him calling me anymore.

My next boyfriend (who I lost my virginity to) was a complete asshole and also cheated on me. He also was really bad for my self-esteem. Lets just say for a while I was a magnet for bad boyfriends...I did learn a lot from those past relationships.

Well it is almost the weekend (I really am not working anyway)... What are your plans?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

This is the Part where I Throw my Hands up in the Air and Scream "I don't Care"

So one of the fall backs to being a sports fan is the stress. It is stressful to watch your team lose, the playoffs are stressful, and it is stressful to watch close games. However, shouldn't that stress end as soon as your team is not playing anymore? Well it doesn't.

Case in point, I am stressing over the Giants being in the playoffs and somehow kicking the Phillies Ass. I hate the Giants with a passion  (I am allowed to ok, they are the Dodgers rival) and would love for their trophy  case to stay like the one shown below but gosh darn it they keep wining. I am stressed that if they do win the World Series that my boyfriend will go on a killing spree (ok I kid I kid, I hope). But I really want to go to SF in March for our 3 year anniversary but Kev said that if the Giants win the World Series he is not going, so please Giants...I beg you to not win because I really want to go on that trip.

Anyway in other sports news...All my teams suck, The End!


NLCS: Giants lead the Phillies 3-1 in the series... I am hoping for a Phillies rally and for them to win but realistically speaking it is looking like the Giants will be going to the World Series (boo and hiss)
ALCS: Texas Rangers lead the Yankees 3-2. Wow this is going different than I expected but I think the Yankees will be the ones heading to the World Series. However, I am all for the Rangers going because I don't like the Yankees and they won last year.
World Series: Come on now, we all knew from the beginning of the season that the AL would win in the World Series regardless of who goes. The AL is just a better division and whether it be the Yankees or the Rangers playing either the Phillies or the Giants, the AL is going to win. I think the World Series will be very exciting this year and will most likely go to 7 games.


I don't know what the hell is going on in the NFL. It is the battle of who could be the suckiest team this year. There are no teams yet that really stick out as amazing (ok maybe the Jets and the Ravens)... Most teams are underperforming (cough Chargers, Vikings, Cowboys cough) and I am just not impressed with any team yet.

The biggest story in the NFL right now is actually the injuries and big hits. There have been several concussions this year already. The commissioner is tightening the belt and is enforcing new rules and fines to hopefully protect the players. Last week 5 of my fantasy football players got injured so of course I lost. So yes, can we please figure out how to stop these injuries? Its messing up my record (oh and it is not good for the players either).

Yah I don't really feel much like talking about football because my Chargers are 2-3 and not only did they lose to the Raiders 2 weeks ago but even worse they lost to the Rams last week. I am going to laugh if they beat the Patriots this weekend. 


My love of hockey started 2 years ago when Kevin explained it to me. How can I not like a sport that encourages fighting and where the pace of the game is non stop. Fighting in hockey is a key component, there are players that are the designated fighters, there are techniques that the players know (i.e. how to pull the jersey over the head), and fights are started to rally the team and show other teams that they are not a team to be messed with. Here is one of the greatest and most intense fights of all time.

I am happy with hockey right now because my team, the LA Kings are doing fantastic and they are ranked as #3 in the entire league. I encourage you all to learn about the basic rules of hockey and watch it. I think you will like it!

Sorry my sports entry kinda sucked today. I guess this is why I should write it the night before. I am kinda lazy about sports during the day. 

30 Days of Truth
Day 7: Someone Who has Made your Life Worth Living
I have a couple of people that have done this. I am lucky that I have some amazing people in my life.

1) The Palmer Society

This group of girls got me through college. They are the girls I know I can count on. They helped me get involved throughout college and is probably one of the main reasons I didnt drop out and move back home. I love all of these girls

2) Kevin

I love him. He is a great boyfriend. He has helped me open up my eyes and discover who I truely am. I can go on and on about why he is fantastic but I won't :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

They put 5 pumps of pumpkin in my drink and it tastes like a liquid pumpkin pie...Yummy!

Hey all! Happy Wednesday!! Last night was a lot of fun and a big success. There were 25-30 prospective girls which is a really good turn out for an Open House especially since it was rainy. Open house is one of the main prospective events that our society/sorority hosts. It is a low key evening that is usually meant for meet and greet, refreshments, and getting to know everyone. This year the theme was Hollywood Glamor and everyone was dressed up and the place was decorated in pearls, boas, and glitter. I was very proud of the actives because they did a great job organizing this event and I am excited for all of the awesome prospectives we have.
I don't like how I look in this photo but I thought it was a cute photo nonetheless. The pearl group.

Anyway it is Wednesday which means we are halfway through the week and it is time for some Wee Bit of Me... Yay for more excuses to slack off. I swear I have had less and less motivation at work since I don't want to work here anymore.

{one} have you ever crawled through a window?
Too many times to even count. I had a habit for locking myself out of houses/dorm rooms so I have been crawling into windows since I was young. My favorite time was in my current condo and I landed in a trash can because that was what was under the window. Fun times

{two} what’s one subject that you wish you knew more about?
 Politics. I really want to know more about it...I am trying to learn. Geography too or basic directions really

{three} who’s your favorite villain?
Hmmm I don't think i have one off the top of my head. I really liked Heath Ledgers rendition of the Joker in The Dark Niight. it was perfect. 
{four} have you ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?
Nope. I wish. One day, one day

{five} what is your favorite disney movie?
Wow this is really difficult. Hmm old school? Tie between Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid (or maybe Hercules). Of the newer generation ones I really love Wall-E.
I actually loved Sleeping Beauty so much that i wanted to name my first daughter Aurora Rose
{six} if the whole world were listening, what would you say?
Really think before you speak or act.Think "how would I feel if someone was treating me this way" or "what if people were taking away my rights to equality and happiness, how would I feel?"

{seven} if you could choose one song to describe you or your life, what would it be?
This is difficult too. Maybe "All you need is Love" haha I am kinda turning into a hippie I think. 

{eight} your desk: messy or organized?
Usually organized. My desk is the one thing I am obsessive about

{nine} have you ever had surgery?
Oral surgery-twice (wisdom teeth and a front tooth procedure). Regular surgery-Once..on my right ankle

{ten} if you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have?
Yah I would either want a monkey or a lion. 

30 Days of Truth
Day 6: Something you Hope you Never Have to do in Your Lifetime 
Want to do 30 days of truth? Click here for all the days

I hope that I never ever have to bury my child. I have had quite a few of my friends die young and the first funeral I went to was of a 6 month old baby. More than anything it breaks my heart to see the parents and how sad they are. I hope that I never have to go through the heartbreak of having my kids die too young.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Its officially Fall.. Rain & Pumpkins :) Day 4 & 5

Hiya folks!! So it is pouring rain here in southern CA and it is thundering too. I am loving it...Well except when I have to go outside in it because I don't have an umbrella and my hair is not that happy about it. I was motivated by the rain so I finally did what I do every fall, I put a pump of pumpkin in my Grande Iced Chi Latte (ya I drink cold drinks year round at starbucks because I am not a fan of the hot ones). It was yummy and tasted just like Thanksgiving.

This is the board that we all sign. I think its soo pretty

Anyway, I am going to open house for my society/sorority tonight. I am not a creepy alumni though because I am there alumni sponsor so it makes sense for me to be there (or thats what I keep telling myself). It is Hollywood Glamour theme so I am going to wear my red dress and either my pearls or /i might stop and get a black feather boa. I am pretty excited about it because I can't wait to meet all of the prospectives the actives have been recruiting. Ok now to get caught up on my 30 days of Truth

Day 4: Something you Need to Forgive Someone for

I am not one to usually hold grudges if someone apologizes to me for it or if I can tell they really didn't mean to hurt me. I usually can move past things. However, I think I need to forgive my dad for not being there for me during my childhood. He was a workaholic and also had some other issues so we really never saw him. When he was home my parents would fight so often and he would just disappear somewhere. I also need to forgive him for his broken promises. I mean sure he shouldn't have broken a bunch of promises but I am an adult and I need to just get over it. I need to be nicer to my dad, for so long I was brainwashed to not like him but really I love my dad. He does try and I know he truly loves and cares about all of us kids. He only wants the best for us.  I love my dad :)

Day 5: Something you Hope to do in Your Life
I want to travel. I want to travel all over the world. I have never really traveled before, unless you count short weekend trips. The furthest I have ever been was Indiana and that was for a baton competition and it wasn't much of a vacation. I have never even left the country.

My must Travel List
  • France-especially Paris and the French Rivera
  • Greece
  • England
  • Hawaii
  • Carribean
  • Jamica
Hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Its been a long weekend and I am exhausted

Hello everyone! This homecoming weekend has been pretty ridiculous and everything that I hoped it would be. I will be giving a full recap tomorrow I promise :)

I am really tired and I think I am going to nap instead of watch football, especially since the Chargers are just sucking it up right now.So I'll just do some of my 30 days of Truth and then go back to sleep.. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.

Day 2: Something you Love about Yourself

I love how empathetic and sweet I can be. I really do try to put everyone before myself and when I see people that are sad or having a rough time I try to help them. I would go out of my way for people too. If one of my friends needs me I will be there for them. I try to understand everyone's feelings. So yah my best qualities are being caring and empathetic,
Day 3: Something you Need to Forgive Yourself for

Tough question. I don't think there is anything specifically that I need to forgive myself for. I think overall I just need to stop being so hard on myself with everything. Also I need to stop feeling guilty about everything. Overall I need to forgive myself for not being perfect or even close to it...to forgive myself for my faults and accept and learn from them.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I tried to fight my OCD but I couldn't and it won.

So I revealed in a previous blog entry that I am OCD about starting things on certain days/dates. Usually I care more abot dates then days which is why I had an inner battle with myself on when I was going to start my next 30 Day Blog Journal...This one being 30 Days of Truth and trust me some of them are very personal tidbits of information that I usually keep bottled up. Anyway, my OCD side won obviously because it wanted to start on October 15th because it is such a nice number and its the middle of the month.

I don't remember who I grabbed this off of because it was a while back but I know there are a lot of different versions in bloggy land. :)

30 Days of Truth
You mean I can't lie to you all anymore ;)

Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.

I don't actually have to think very hard on this at all. The thing I hate about myself the most is my inability to control my emotions. I snap pretty easily. I get extremely angry over nothing. I often unleash my screeching and cackling anger on Kevin (sorry). I also get my feelings hurt way too easily and take everything as an attack. I take everything as if it is the end all be all and look at everything as extremes. There is no middle groundwith me.I cry way too easily and I think everyone is out to get me. I am just a hot mess on most days. You guys all should be lucky you only know me through bloggy world ;)

Here are the rest of the days if you want to play along as well :)
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.

Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit. (this one is going to be hard)

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted. (hard)

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know. ( i know who buthard to say)

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter) (rough questions)

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage. (I can write for days on this one)

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics? (you all arent ready for this one from me )

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?

Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.

Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.

Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)

Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.

Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why? (WOW)

Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?

Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?

Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.

Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Finishing it up

Hiya folks!! Well I don't feel much like blogging today. I am a bit stressed out lately. Lets just say I got some unexpected news yesterday and hopefully today after work I will fix the little mixup. No I am not going to share what happened...but please keep thinking happy thoughts. I am hoping I can clarify everything today.

Put that stress on top of trying to find a new job, working at a job you hate while trying not to care but working your ass off because that is just your work ethic, and the typical everyday stresses makes me really not care to do my blog entry today about sports...Especially since sports sucked for me the past week (except for the LA kings starting off their season strong). Oh well here is hoping that the Chargers pull their head out of their Ass and actually play. We do have McNeil back on our lineup and a few changes in special teams (I really want a brand new special teams unit). Ok thats all the sports you get from me sorry :(

This picture makes me happy so that is why it randomly gets put in here :)

So I want to finish my 30 day journal challenge today so I can possibly start a 30 days of truth tomorrow. Who knows around here though? I change my mind more often than I change my panties I think.

Day 29: What have you learned this past month?

I learned that I love to blog and that writing really releases a lot of built up anger, stress, and other bad emotions. I like to express myself.
I learned that I want to be a social activist. I don't think I learned that through the blog but I did learn that this month.

I also learned that I have blog withdrawals not only when I don't blog but when I dont get to read your blogs. 

Day 30: Who are you

I am Aimee. I care about others. I am empathetic. I am stubborn. I am a little bit of a brat. I worry and stress too often. I yell and cuss a lot. I enjoy food and the finer things in life (whatever the hell that means). I like to have fun. I care about my friends, family, and other loved ones a lot and would do anything for them. I love my pets even though they get on my nerves. I care about bsuiness ethics, about the people especially those without a voice, and I get angry at self-absorbed and selfish people. I know I want to be rich so that I can help out those less fortunate then I. I know that if I don't happen to get rch I will still help out in anyway feesible. I am Aimee and I am strong and I am happy with who I am!

Oh and I am a cutie too!! LOL JK                                                                                                                         

The END!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just a little bit... Just a little bit of help from my friends

I think thats a lyric... Little thing about me. I have a horrible time remembering anything when it comes to music. I like listening and dancing to music but past that I never can remember the name of artists, songs, and lyrics. So when there is a music discussion (and trust me there are a lot since Kevin is so involved in music and has a love for it) I can't really partake. Eh, guess that makes me a weirdo.

Anyway I love Wednesdays!! Halfway through the week, I usually have plans with one of my chick friends, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and of course... Wee Bit!! So sit back and read more about me. I know you want to.

Oh yah, I suck at life again and have not uploaded my photos. You guys are all going to get my weekend recap way late. You might be thinking "crazy Aimee, why even bother to do a weekend recap?" Well maybe because I want to let you all know how the 90s party went. I know you all have been waiting patiently to see what I wore. It will be up tomorrow. Come on, 90s and sport shit talk goes well together right?

{one} have you ever milked a cow or a goat?
Yes when I was young I did. I remember it being fun and weird.

{two} what sound does your alarm make when it goes off in the morning?
Its this annoying ring that I should change soon...It sounds like I am waking up in some type of club.

{three} chocolate milk or hot chocolate?

Hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows please.

{four} what is one of the quirkiest things about you?
I never know how to answer this. My laugh is pretty quirky. One of these days I am going to have to have kevin secretly record me. It sounds like goofy

{five} are you more like your mom or your dad?
This is hard. I would say I am a lot like my mom because I am caring and nuturing and have many gut instincts. I also have the bad quality of flying off the handle and being overly emotional. I like to think I am like my dad in the way that I am super hardworking and semi-easy going with my friends...

{six} do you sleep with the tv on?
Yes... I can't go to sleep without it on. But we need to start making sure to put the timer on because its not good for you to have sound in the backround while your sleeping.

{seven} if you were a crayon, what color would you be?


Either hot pink because it is awesome and vibrant and people are naturally drawn to it ;) LOL but I have always loved purple mountain majesty. I strive to be what that represents to me...elegance, beauty, and calmness.

{eight} ross, joey, or chandler?
Chandler... Didnt even have to think about it. Ross is too boring and Joey is too dumb and too much of a lady's man for me.

{nine} do you play any musical instruments?
Nope...no musical talents for me.

{ten} what’s the worst thing you’ve ever cooked/baked?
I made a mud pie once and put laundry detergent and I put it in the stove and baked it. Yah got in a lot of trouble for that. The worst thing that I actually ate...Hmmm I would have to say when I read the instructions wrong for a meatloaf and burnt that sucker.

Day 28: A Picture of You Last Year and how have you changed

 Classy Girls right there. I know I look so ghost white here.
Hmmm how have I changed? I have changed a lot actually... Still working on changing more of course. Ill briefly list how I have changed
1)I am older and wiser
2)I care more about social issues and I am trying to be more of an activist
3) I am also trying to understand politics more
4) I know what field I want to go into (accounting) and I am working on getting there., I also .have experienced shitty jobs and I am slowly but surely learning how to deal
5) I am in the middle of finding my voice
6) I enjoy writing
7) I read a lot more
8) I have become a lot more independent and I dont need to be aroundKevin as much anymore
9) I hang out with my girls a lot more often.
10) I have started to stand on my own and chose my own beliefs and stand up for what I believe in regardless of what others may think

Overall I have grown into a stronger woman but I still have a ways to go. At least I am on the right path to get there.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Im being super forgetful so there will still be no Weekend Recap

Hiya folks. Well I really wanted to do a recap of my weekend (especially my 90s themed party) but I once again forgot the cord to my camera so I cant upload the few pictures I took. Therefore I will hold off on my weekend recap for one more day.

I am glad a lot of you liked my post yesterday. It really warmed my heart that there are so many people out there that care about this issue as well. So thank you for all of your support and kind words.

Anyway... I guess i should attempt to get caught up on my 30 day journal. I want to finish it by Friday. Are any of you guys weird about certain dates or starting/finishing things by certain dates not because there is a deadline but because you feel its a good date. For example, when I want to start a new habbit or going to the gym (hahah ya right)  I always tell myself I have to do it on the 1st or the 15th. I feel that I can't start other than those 2 days of the month. I also feel like I have to 100% catch up on a show before watching the next episode. Everyone keeps wanting me to watch Glee but I haven't finished season 1 so I refuse to watch anything out of order. Am I weird? Please tell me you all have these "rules" as well.

Day 26: How do you Feel about your Friends

Don't we all wish for friends like these?

Wow... This is actually a tough question for me. I mean I like my friends a lot. They are all really nice, caring, and fun individuals. However, after college I went through some rough times when it came to friendships. I think everyone goes through it when there is a big lifestyle change. I mean when I was in school I lived in dorms all 4 years so it was always easy to find peopel e to hang out with, I didn't have to try really. When I graduated and moved away from school (yet not back to my hometown where I went to hs) I found that I didnt have very many real friends. I was lonely and decided I needed to find more reliable friends that were at the same place in their life as I was.

Anyways, I took some measures to get new friends. Friends that I felt I could hang out with more and that I could rely on when times were bad. That wouldnt flake out on me and who aren't self-centered. Now I have a group of 5 girls I would consider my close friends. All of the people I consider my friends are awesome because they are easy to talk to, fun to hang out with no matter what we are doing, I can have actual conversations with, and I know that they wi;ll be available not only when we are going to have fun but also if I am going through a rough time. So I love my frineds. However, I have a bunch of aquaintences who I only hang out with to have a good time. Most of them are "fair weather" friends...It really makes me sad and angry that there are so many people like that out in the world. When I become your friend you know I will be there for you through the thick and the thin and that you can even call me in the middle of night and i will come get you, no questions asked.

Day 27: Why did you do the 30 day Journal?

Because everyone else was doing it. LOL the classic 10 year old response. At first I started it because I wanted an excuse to blog more often and have something to blog about for those days my mind pulls a blank. I wanted to stir things up in my blog and maybe have it force me to open up about myself. Thats why I am going to do the 30 days of truth starting on Friday because there are some deep questions in there. What I have to be truthful on my blog ;)