
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2011

If Survey and some picture recaps

Ok I know I havent recapped anything for you guys yet and I promise I will!! I am hoping to do that today while I am watching the Chargers game but I cant promise anything. I will include some pictures at the bottom of this post from our SF trip and some other randomness :)

I did want to post at least 1 blog entry today so I saw this awesome If... survey and decided to take it because you all probably remember how much I love surveys. Hmm maybe its because I am self absorbed ;)


•If I were to get pregnant...I would be scared shitless and really confused and torn. I am not ready for a kid whatsoever right now.
•If I could have any job in the world…hmm this is difficult. I would either be an event planner focused on working with sport teams and venues.

•If I had a day to myself...get a massage, read a book at a park under a beautiful tree, watch some tv, and go to Starbucks or Panera and people watch :)

•If I could get married all over again…well considering I have never been married I would have my dream wedding. Colors would be a navy blue and yellow with sunflowers and caulli lillies. The ceremony would be short (we're talking 15 minutes max) and the reception would be super long. It would be beautifully decorated but more importantly it will be a ton of fun with an awesome DJ, yummy food, and an open bar.

•If I could live anywhere in the U.S...I am happy in CA in the city that I am. i would just prefer to live in one of the historic homes or up in the hills

•If I were to have more children...I dont have any children currently but I want 2-3 kids.

•If I could have any talent in the world...I would be a world class chef

•If you met me in real life...I hope you would like me. you would think I am sweet and funny but a little bit bitchy ;) Oh and I am a bit quirky

•If I went back to school...I would go back for my MBA in organizational leadership :)

•If money were not an object...I would buy a gorgeous house and hire an interior decorator, I would get a Ferrari F430, and I would put a bunch of money in savings so I can continue to live a great life. I wouild also dionate to a charity

•If I could meet one celebrity...hmmmm if I was single it would be ryan gosling. But I think I would want to meet Anne Hathway or Katy Perry. I think I would have a lot in common with these girls because they seem down to earth and funny.

•If I could shop at only one store for the rest of my life...hmmmm this is hard. Only for clothes? Hmm I have become addicted with Banana Republic but is this my own money? Probably a department store like Macy's or Nordstrom even though Nordstroms might be too much for me right now.

•If I could choose an animal/pet...Well I have dogs and cats so I would say a horse if I had someone to take care of the gross duties. If not then probably a chinchilla

•If I could go on a trip right now...PARIS! Hands down that is easy
•If I had to choose between a house cleaner and personal chef...House cleaner for sure. I hate hate hate cleaning and I dont really do it so ya. I actually like cooking and I am fairly good (read: decent) at it so while it might be fun to have a personal chef I would miss cooking.
•If I had the option to get plastic surgery…I would get a boob job. I do like my boobs and I am still young so they are still perky but I have noticed that when I lay down sometimes it gets uncomfortable because part of my boob feels like its under my arm pit. I would like my boobs to look perky and perfect regardless of my age and if/when I have kids
Now for some much needed pictures with mini updates :)

We went to the Dodger vs Giants game at AT&T Park in full Dodger gear and we really didnt get heckled at all... Trust me I was scared.

This is us at the bottom of the crookedest street in SF

My favorite picture of me thus far :)
These are my babies PeeWee and Roxie. Sadly we have to get rid of Roxie because we are moving and no places will let us have a dog as big as her...

This is the newest addition to our family. Our kitty, Pikachu, is the sweetest and most lovable cat ever. He isnt happy unless he is cuddling with us

We also went on a day trip to Sea World and had a lot of fun. That was my favorite sea lion and I even was able to feed him

I also had my birthday while I was gone so I am now 24... This was Kevin's bday present to me. I got to meet my favorite Laker player, Ron Artest.

That is all for now but I will come back soon to recap some fun trips we have taken, my bday, and what I have been doing for fun lately.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It was a busy but quick weekend- Clubbing, Drinking, and Nap Times

SO for the past few weekends we have been packing our weekends full of stufff because during the week we dont have much time to do stuff. While its great to be doing fun stuff all weekend the downfall is that the weekend goes by way too fast.

I may be a day late but here is my weekend recap. I will start with Thursday night because this week that was part of the weekend since it was St. Patty's day after all

Thursday: Im here for the Green Beer

Kevin and I went to one of my "sister's" house who was hosting a party complete with Green beer, shamrock sandwiches,  and lime and margarita jello shots. It was a green green night. I came with 2 travel coffee cups filled with my drink of choice lately (Sweet Tea Vodka and Lemonade-alcoholic Arnold Palmer) since I do not like beer. I also brought the Margarita jello shots I made which ended up being a big hit (lime jello made with 1 cup water, 1 cup tequila and a shot or two of Triple Sec).

Me, my munchkin, and my roomie!

The "family". Stephanie claims me and Kevin are her parents lol

I ended up hanging with a bunch of my other sisters dancing the night away while the boys chatted it up on the outside of the dance floor. I literally danced the night away and didnt care that I had to get up early the next morning for work.

Oh and it was great because I played a joke on my "roomie" (she was my college roommate for 2 years and we still call eachother that). She is super afraid of leprechauns and there was this dude there that was dressed like a leprechaun so I had him chase her around all night...Reminded me of being back in college.
Me with my Roomie.. See she still loves me

Saturday: Party like a Drunkard RockStar

Don't we look gorgeous? (one of the many shots of the evening)
I skipped Friday because all I did was come home from work and watch TV then go to sleep pretty early. I know how lame. Anyway...Saturday during the day was full of errands of which now I cant remember what we had to do and then we had to make sure our house was clean for Saturday night because we were having people over for a pre-party before going clubbing in Pasadena.

The pre-party was a lot of fun and I am sure there were people that were willing to stay and play at our house instead of going to the club. I had my 2nd batch of margarita jello shots along with Tequila Rose (amazing strawberry tasting stuff that you should try), tequila shots, and alcoholic Arnold Palmers. The kitchen was the happening place with lots of drinking and laughs and of course pictures.

Tequila Rose. I like it because it tastes yummy and its pink

Jello Shots!

When we finally ventured off to the club it was 10 pm. We got there about 10:30 or 10:45. I have decided we had way too many people with us that it was hard to keep up with everyone. It was me and 3 of my sisters (Elle, Roomie, and munchkin), one of my girl friends and her friend (Wendy and Kalli), and boyfriends and friends (5 guys). Then when we got to the club I met up with another girl friend and her friend (Chey and Veronica) and kevin had 4 friends come. It was pretty crazy.


There were lots of kissy pictures

Exhibit A...This is one of my favorites. See sisters love each other
See Exhibit B

And Exhibit C... I Love this picture of us though

I tried to dance as much as possible but I think I kept getting distracted with conversations and drinks. I also managed to sneak a flask in so we had a little too much fun with that. It was a successful night though because we all had a lot of fun, danced a bunch, enjoyed our drinks without anyone getting stupid drunk, and had the most entertaining car ride home. The only bad thing? I didnt sleep at ALL that night.

Well that was my weekend. Sorry for the lengthy post and the excess of pictures. Hopefully I didnt bore you too much :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

We had the time of our lives...and we owe it all to...college.

I had a fantastic and epic and exhausting weekend. I am finding it hard to concentrate this rainy Monday morning. Mondays should just be outlawed. Well are you ready for a long weekend recap? I am going to also include pictures from the 90s party I went to last weekend since I failed to get those uploaded until just yesterday..

**Warning...Picture overload!!**

90s Party:
My outfit: Jean mini skirt, pink cropped top, jean jacket, and White Keds. I even tried to do the 90s flippy hair  
Similarities? Hey i tried ok ;)

So they 90s themed birthday party for Chris (from Welcome to my Humble ablog) was last weekend and I had a good time except for my clothes being uncomfortable. I am glad I don't remember 90s fashion that well because I was not feeling it. I decided to go early 90s and we all decided I looked like I stepped out of 90210. Kevin went late 90s and it was easy for him because he just wore what he use to wear to high school (pooka shell necklace and all).  The party was hosted at Chris and D-lo's house. There was a lovely spread of food and the 90s music was pumping all night long. I was super excited to finally get to meet Rosemary from Ro Ro Ro Your Blog (who did a way better summary than this lol) She was super sweet and fun to talk to...I just wished I could have stayed longer but I was SOOO exhausted by the time we left

This Weekend's Homecoming Festivities

So I went to a small private college. Homecoming is a big annual thing for all the alumni to come back and celebrate our awesomeness together. I feel it is actually a bigger thing for alumni than for the students. I had a blast at this year's homecoming. I am 2 years out now so I actually feel like a real alumni.

Friday Night: Dinner, Drinks, Casino Night, and other Debauchery

So the people in charge of taking pictures this night have not uploaded them yet so I don't  have any pictures of this night yet. I will share some with you as soon as I get them :).

This night was really fun, right after work I met up with a few of my "sisters" and other friends. We had dinner and drinks at a nice restaurant/lounge. Then my "big" (Jenny), Kelsey, and I met up with some other alumni at another bar and hung out there for a bit. Then we went to casino night where I had a ton of fun because I got to play blackjack. I havent played in so long so that was awesome. I was basically playing two hands (my own and then my big's because she didn't know how to play). After about 1.5 hours I left to go find more people to hang out with

After I left casino night I met back up with my big, Kelsey, Jes, Sabrina (my little), Kevin, and scott. We went up to the undergrad dorms and hung out with a couple of my sisters. WE chilled there for about an hour or so but then I wanted to go home because it was 12:30 am and I had to be up the next morning by 8:30. It was such a great night!

Saturday: Time with my sisters and Party all Day!
This is the board that everyone that attended the brunch signed. I wish you could see the borders because it had pearls and lace and fake diamonds. It was gorgeous 
This is 1/4 of the circle that we made to sing songs. You can see the lovely tables and center pieces. Im the one in the black skirt and blue top with short hair

The reason I had to be up so early was I had to be back at the college for homecoming brunch with my society by 9:30 (I ended up getting there at 9:45). The brunch was a lot of fun, I was very proud of the actives because it was very well ran and the decorations were perfect. There were over 50 alumni that came to this years brunch and they ranged from class of 55 all the way to the most recent graduates. I got to speak with a bunch of girls I hardly see and I spoke with some sisters I've never met. I also won 2 things in the raffle (I win at every Palmer event that has a raffle). 
Here I am with my awesome raffle prize!!

This year I won a big Absolute vodka package (1 big bottle and 8 mini flavored bottles) and 2 martini glasses. I also won a silver bucket with blue rose pens (our colors are silver and blue). 
Me and a bunch of my sisters at the society mixer.
I love this girl,Stephanie. I was her pledge mistress when she pledged and now she is my "daughter" We were excited about being pearl twins

After the brunch a couple of us went over to Ellie's (one of my sisters) apartment to pre-party before the all society mixer and then we attended the mixer. The mixer was a lot of fun too.  I had a wine margarita while I was there and it was super tasty...Have any of you heard of that before? After the mixer I went to the first half of the football game but I had to go home to clean up and get my hair done before the party that evening.
See why I want extensions now?
Had a little photo shoot before we left

My hair stylist came over and put my hair extensions in. OMG I loved them so much and now I am growing my hair out... Or I might just go get extensions done permanently because I may be too impatient to wait (what do you guys think?). I also made jello shots for the party at the Raddison. Kevin and I got there at about 8:30 and I went upstairs to party with a couple of my sisters for about 30 minutes. Raddi was a lot of fun. I got to see a BUNCH of my old friends and had a lot of fun just talking with everyone. We did do a little dancing this year (not as much as past years though). I had soo much fun though and we ended up leaving about 1:30 am. I'll let the pictures do the talking
This is a group of Palmer alumni (graduation years 2000-2010)
Me and my little. Super excited about being pearl twins lol
Me and Jes

Me and Emily (it was great to see her because she lives in Oregon)

Sipping on our drinks

I love my big :)

Princey!! This is one of my favorite alumni :)

Elle and myself glamming it up

I love this girl (Maria) so much!! She is still in college :)

Awww aren't we cute.

Family picture. Stephanie calls us her parents. Yep we adopted an asian ;)

Sunday: The day of Rest
This is basically what I did all day. Sleep and more sleep

Yah I watched the horrible game that was the Chargers vs. the Rams. UGH! I don't even want to talk about how pissed off I am at the Chargers. For the rest of the day I slept and read and slept and read. I did get up in time to watch Dexter (woohoo) and then I slept some more. 

I had such a great weekend. I wish I was better at recapping my events lol. How was your weekend?

Sorry one more picture but look at how adorable my dog is in his little lobster costume.
Cutest and happiest little lobster

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 11.... Walk Down Memory Lane

SO I decided that with todays 30 day journal entry I will attempt to walk you down memory lane with my pictures... You will notice I have changed my hair quite often just over the last 4 years. I tried to get a wide variety of years but I realized that some years I didn't take very many photos or if I did I dont have access to them any longer. Enjoy!! (WARNING: Picture Overload!!)

BTW I am sorry I have been slacking on reading your blogs as of late. Things are going a bit rough for me at work and I am trying tio figure stuff out. Oh and I decided Im not going to do Tuesday's Features... I actually didn't like doing them so they go bye bye!

Day 11: Pictures of You and Your Friends
Newest to Oldest...

Me and "AM" at country night
This was a month ago... You guys have seen the most current pics in previous posts :)
This was my first Homecoming as a college alumnae!! Thats my lineage by the way... Dynasty!! (Fall 2009)
This is me and my munchkin on Homecoming weekend (Oct 2009)

Surprise Graduation/Bday Party that Kevin threw for me. Thats me, Elle, and my little (April 2009)
Me and my "Twin" -first time bar hopping (Oct 2008)
Toga Party (Sept 2008) Me and Roomie!!
Back to School Dance. (Fall 2007)
Formal for my Society (April 2007)
From the same dance. I took my roomie as my date. This is before she pledged and became my sister!!
Me and my pledge class (minus 1). 10-4!! (Spring 2006)
My first college dance!!This was the crew I hung out with my freshman year.  (Fall 2005).
Can you spot me? Im in the back
Me(front left), Jazmin, and Jenn.First football game in college (Fall 2005)
High school grad ith some of my old hs friends, I only speak with 1 of them now. (May 2005)

Sorry that was a ton of pictures. Well I hope you all have a fantastic day! :)