I started racking my brain and asking my boyfriend (who by the way is 100x more talented at writing than I am-visit his blog http://kevinisranting.blogspot.com) for advice on my first blog. What should I call it? What should my theme be? How often should I write? And the big one...Should I even write a blog at all? Well obviously the answer to that last question was a yes.
So enough with the back story and the disclaimers. Here is my short and sweet introduction:
Name: Aimee
Age: 22
About me: A recent college graduate (BA in Economics and Business-emphasis in Marketing) who now is an Account Executive for a small company that specializes in stock option management and accounting compliance software. My goal in life is to become a successful CFO, hopefully for a quick growth private company so that I can help them prepare for an IPO. As for my personal life, I live with my boyfriend and our roommate in a condo in southern CA with our two cats. I am happy hanging with my girls or my boyfriend, spending hours at a book store, going out to bars or lounges, watching/playing sports, reading blogs, or playing board games.
**My cats! Sophie (top) and Mocha (bottom). They are my "kids" for now**
Behind the name: If you are familar with KROQ, more so the Kevin & Bean show, that is where my blog name came from. One of their segments is called "Thanks for that info Bean" because he is always going into a lot of detail about the most random things.
- Sports from a Girl's point of view
- Design Day- My favorite blogs to read are those focused on Interior Design and Renovation (ie http://humbleablog.blogspot.com/). I can feature some of my favorite designs of the week if I don't have a current project I am working
- Random Moments (Friday)- might be from my week or from a Bloggers
- A "Blank" of the week-books, movies, businesses, candy, person, shape, blog etc.
- Financial Talk and Tips
- Just Vent- Sometimes you just need to vent...Followers can post their vents of the week here.
- Dreams/Goals/Aspirations
Thanks for reading!