
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Showing posts with label interior design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interior design. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Plunging headfirst" into the Blogging World

Hello! My name is Aimee Grove and I have just gotten into this crazy blogging world. I keep asking myself why I am starting a blog. I know that once I finish this entry and publish it that I have officially plunged head first into being a "blogger" . I am not a good writer, I never excelled at it in school or in my personal life but I have become enthralled by blogs so I figured I should just take the plunge.

 I started racking my brain and asking my boyfriend (who by the way is 100x more talented at writing than I am-visit his blog http://kevinisranting.blogspot.com) for advice on my first blog. What should I call it? What should my theme be? How often should I write? And the big one...Should I even write a blog at all? Well obviously the answer to that last question was a yes.

So enough with the back story and the disclaimers. Here is my short and sweet introduction:
Name: Aimee  
Age: 22  
About me: A recent college graduate (BA in Economics and Business-emphasis in Marketing) who now is an Account Executive for a small company that specializes in stock option management and accounting compliance software. My goal in life is to become a successful CFO, hopefully for a quick growth private company so that I can help them prepare for an IPO. As for my personal life, I live with my boyfriend and our roommate in a condo in southern CA with our two cats. I am happy hanging with my girls or my boyfriend, spending hours at a book store, going out to bars or lounges, watching/playing sports, reading blogs, or playing board games.

 **My cats! Sophie (top) and Mocha (bottom). They are my "kids" for now**

Behind the name: If you are familar with KROQ, more so the Kevin & Bean show, that is where my blog name came from. One of their segments is called "Thanks for that info Bean" because he is always going into a lot of detail about the most random things.
What the blog will be about: I haven't ironed out all the details but I know I am going to have themed days (it's the only way that I will be motivated to do this blog). My themed days however probably will not be alliterations (ie Wordless Wednesdays) Here are some of my ideas for themed days, I just need to narrow these down and pick nifty titles. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
  • Sports from a Girl's point of view
  • Design Day- My favorite blogs to read are those focused on Interior Design and Renovation (ie http://humbleablog.blogspot.com/). I can feature some of my favorite designs of the week if I don't have a current project I am working
  • Random Moments (Friday)- might be from my week or from a Bloggers
  • A "Blank" of the week-books, movies, businesses, candy, person, shape, blog etc.
  • Financial Talk and Tips
  • Just Vent- Sometimes you just need to vent...Followers can post their vents of the week here.
  • Dreams/Goals/Aspirations
This is just a basic list and some will not make the cut and if I get some good ideas from my followers then those will also be included. Oh and I will also try to learn how to make my blog spiffy.

Thanks for reading!
