
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2010

Best Halloween Weekend Ever...Why do weekends have to end?

Hello All!! I had a great weekend and I hope you all did too. Seriously, this was by far one of the best Halloweens I have ever had! I am just so glad that everything went well. I am so happy that I am not even going to pout about the Giants or any other bad sports stuff that happened this weekend (even though really it mostly was good). I cant wait to read about all of your weekends and see costumes :)

Warning:There may be some pictures in one of my recaps that may be PG...This is my warning :)

(Epic) Weekend Recap

Friday: Chill Night
So Friday we went over to Chris and D-lo's (from HumbleAblog) house and had a nice dinner and hang out time with them, Chris and Rosemary (Ro Ro Ro Your Blog), and James . We ordered pizza and watched the Lakers win(!!). We also had fantastic apple cake that D-lo and Chris made. It was delicious and I usually don't like fruit cakes or pies. It was nice to have girl talk with D-lo and Rosemary. All in all it was a chill night, its too bad that we live 20 minutes away because we left earlier than I wanted to because we were getting tired.

Saturday: Halloween Part 1

 Saturday was a crazy busy day. We got a late start and then we laid around  watching TV (me Grey's Anatomy and him Step Brothers). We had a lot of shopping to do for our last minute costumes because thats how we roll. It was a lot of fun going to the mall and shopping with Kevin even if we were a bit grumpy because of hunger (we are like little kids in that way). I might have spent a little bit too much on new makeup :) But hey its the price of beauty right. Then I got little booty shorts, a baseball tee, socks, and black out strips for my costume. Kevin got a button up shirt and a tie for his costume.
At the party we went to Saturday night they had a little photo section set up. Pretty nifty

For Halloween I was a sexy baseball player :) and Kevin was Don Draper from Mad Men (well for Saturday). 

That night we went to a party with our friends, Vero and Carlos (pictured above). It was about 45 minutes away from where we live and we only knew Vero and Carlos but it was still chill and a lot of fun. Except when the crappy band played but luckily the cops shut that down pretty quickly. I liked the party because everyone got really into it and the costumes were fantastic and original. There was some intense dedication like tis one dude shaved half his head for a costume. My camera was of course dead on Saturday so Im waiting for my friend to post the pictures on facebook. We have a really good one with Lady Gaga :) After the party we went to Denny's and then home to pass out at 4 am.

Sunday: Sports Day and Halloween Part 2

So on Sundays I never sleep in because I always forget to fix my fantasy  football teams (which by the way I am doing pretty good in). Anyway I woke up at 7:45 (yay for 3.5 hours of sleep) and fixed my team and then took my dog for a walk in his halloween costume. 
        Funny park story, I ran into these three little kids (probably about 4-6 years old) and they asked "is that a dog?" and the mom told them "yes, he is wearing a lobster costume for Halloween. You know how you wear costumes? Well dogs can too." little kids "Coool!!!" Aww so cute.
PeeWee loved his walk and then I came home got settled in and watched the games and browsed the web while Kevin slept on the couch. Perfect Sunday morning/afternoon for me. 
Kevin may or may not kill me for putting this up. But isnt he adorable with the pink blanket and his jersey? 
Typical Sunday at my place. You have to have at lease two screens to watch the game on. 
Obviously the Chargers listened to my letter to them because they won yesterday. And maybe just maybe if they win out for the rest of the season they might be able to make it to the playoffs (yah don't worry Im not holding my breath). There were quite a few great football games on yesterday and Im glad I got to see them. Oh and then after the Charger game we went and watched Kevin's brother in law play ice hockey at the rink right by our house. It was fun even though they lost and we were bad luck for them (the opposing team won 4-3 and they scored 1 of their goals right when we walked in...his team was up 3-1 when we got there...yah bad luck)
"Sexy" Baseball Player  

Sunday night from 8 pm-12:30 am we were at an AWESOME Halloween party at my hookah lounge. It was super cool. It was me, Kevin, Cathy, her boyfriend David, and Lori. It was a lot of fun...one of the best Halloween parties I ever went to. There was hookah, good music, dancing, and great company. I'll let the pictures tell you the rest :)
Dodger Player (or smurf ;P )
That's right we went matchy for Sunday night 
Just chillaxing and smoking some hookah

Baseball Player and "Scary Pittsburgh fan"

They are so cute. She was Freddy Kruger (she had a hat and the hand) and he was a zombie or something like that

Dance party!! (yah we are dressed hoochie but I wear less at the beach :P)

The boys, up to no good.

The girls...looking hot :) (and Im apparently getting molested as well)
All in All it was a great weekend...Except I pouted like this when the Giants won ;)

How was your weekend? What did you do for Halloween? What were you?

P.S. Sorry about the excess of pictures and the long ass entry. I just dont know how to shut up 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Most Beautiful Ring Ceremony and Wee Bit!

Hello folks! Well I apologize for having my days all mixed up (I am human and allowed to make mistakes). I don't know why I kept saying the 1st game of the World Series was last night. It is in fact tonight. Yesterday started a great sports week and I hope that it continues tonight with a Giants loss and a King's win. The Lakers won last night and the Heat made a fool of themselves on their game. (Super team? I have yet to see that)

The Lakers' Ring Ceremony was probably the best that they have ever had (and they have had a lot). I liked the fact that each player introduced the next player. It brought in a more emotional feeling. Man it is great to be a Laker fan. My favorite part of the night was Derek Fisher's introduction of Kobe (Ron Artest was a close second because I love him!). Here is the clip, you should really watch it because Derek Fisher is so funny and did a great job of introducing the current best basketball player.
"This guy I am about to introduce I'm not sure if you know who he is...He doesn't do very much to help us at all.... the World's Best Basketball Player-Kobe Bryant"

Since it is Wednesday you all know what that means around here. Wee Bit of Me. This week its Halloween Edition.Want to join in? Just click the link below and it will take you to Leigh Ashley's blog. It is fun.

{one} have you ever seen a ghost?
Yes, it is the what made me start believing in ghosts. It was about 2 years ago and I was sleeping over at my parent's house. I was on the couch and I wake up and I see this white foggy cloud hoovering above me and it is making a spooky noise. It then sits on my chest and I couldn't breath for like 5 seconds. It was scary. I have had other encounters with ghosts that weren't scary so overall I'm really not afraid of them.

{two} when was the last time you dressed up for halloween?
I dress up every year. I just don';t trick or treat anymore. Last year I was kinda a flapper lol. The year before I was a sexy cop called "Officer Naughty"

{three} what’s your favorite candy?
Anything chocolate. Or skittles.

{four} did you have a favorite costume growing up?
Um I liked being a baby a lot or a princess

{five} did you carve pumpkins this year?
Nope I try to avoid that. I did want to decorate this year but never got around to it. I wanted to make glitter pumpkins like these... there is always next year

{six} what’s your favorite scary movie?
So I haven't seen a lot of the classic ones that everyone should see like Nightmare on Elm St or the Halloweens. (Don't worry I am going to remedy that soon). I don't know my favorite though. I love all horror movies because Ilove being scared

{seven} haunted houses or corn mazes?
Ive never been through a corn maze. Its not a huge thing here in southern CA (or if it is I missed that memo). I LOVE getting scared and I scare easily so haunted houses. You all should know that I mean I went to HorrorNights twice this year and am sad I cant go again :(

{eight} are you superstitious?
Yes.... Mostly with sports though.

{nine} have you ever owned a black cat?
Yes I have had 5 black cats throughout my life. I currently own one (well she is a tuxedo cat so she is black on top and white underneath)

{ten} what are you plans for this coming halloween?
They are up in the air still. I have a backup party on Saturday if we can't figure out anything else to do. Then on Sunday we are probably  going over to our friends house for game night.
What are you doing for Halloween? What are you going to be?
Happy Wednesday!