
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Showing posts with label sunday advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunday advice. Show all posts

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Second Saturday, Embrace Today, and GTKY

Happy Sunday or Second Saturday!! I love 3 day weekends because we get to have 2 Saturdays. How kickass is that?!?!? So I hope you are all having a great weekend. I am having a restful weekend while still going out and having fun. I took some benadryl so now my allergies aren't bugging me. YAY!!!!!

Plans for today are: Getting my hair done!! I am cutting it short again and coloring it. I am getting a chocolate brown with carmel and light brown highlights. I cant wait to share some pictures with you... Other than that I think we are going to do some errands today and I am still trying to figure out what I want to do tonight. Suggestions?

Yep... Going short :) Yay!!

Getting to know YOU

For this edition of GTKY it is Under the Sea... How exciting, especially since I have been soo addicted to sushi lately (I had it 3 times last week)

1. Do you like seafood?

Yep... I love it! My favorite is sushi. I also like salmon, tuna, and lobster. The only stuff I don't like is mussels and oysters

2. Are mermaids hot?
I like to think they are. However, there have been sme movies that portrayed them as super ugly. But I like to think of them as the song "Im on a boat" portrays them.... "I f**ed a mermaid"

3. Have you swam in the ocean?
Not really... I actually have a big fear of the ocean. I barely put my feet in it

4. If you got stung by a jellyfish, would you let a stranger pee on you?
If no one that I knew was there to do it then I guess I would. I mean seriosuly. I wouldnt have any pride or fear of germs if I just got stung

5. Have you ever pee'd in the ocean?
When I was little I did. At the beach the bathrooms were just way too far away and gross lol,

6. Can you make a cute fish face? (Show a pic..if you want)
Nope! LOL I tried to take a picture and I looked sooo stupid hh
7. When you see the lobster tank at the grocery store do you just have this overwhelming urge to set them free or cook them up?
I dont think of either of those options. I actually don't usually pay much attention to it at all. I do enjoy eating lobster though, its yummy
8. Are you afraid of sharks?
Its not on my list of fears that I think of but ya I guess I am. Shouldnt everyone be in a way? I mean those suckers can kill you.
Now for my advice for today: Embrace every moment. Don't take any second for granted

I think we sometimes forget to "stop and smell the roses". We often rush through life without slowing down to really appreicate everything we have. So for this long weekend slow it down a bit and just appreciate everything you are doing and think about your loved ones.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need Help... Sunday Advice... A little GTKY

Happy Sunday! Gosh I can't believe its the last day of the weekend. Where does it all go to? I am hoping I can find something fun to do this evening just to extend the weekend a little bit more.

I think that I have a problem though. I said that I wasn't going to do GTKY Sundays anymore because I do Wee Bit of Me Wednesdays and I figured that you guys don't want to read all of those surveys throughout the week. Plus I am suppose to be using this blog to improve my writing. Surveys definitely don't do that. But tough, I saw the GTKY questions this week and liked them so much that I decided to do them. Is there a survey anonymous I can go to? I need it.

Before the GTKY I decided to share with you some Sunday Advice: One of the most important lessons I have learned in my life, always trust your gut.

1) I posted about my car accident before. This accident could have been avoided if Kevin & I paid attention to our guts. We both had a weird feeling about going to the party and I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. I didn't speak up about my feelings because we had been looking forward to the party for a while. Kevin had bad feelings too but knew I had worked super hard on my mask. I wished we both would have spoke up. Speak up if you have those feelings.

2) I had a bad feeling yesterday about the party we were going to yesterday. We had to drive to my hometown 45 minutes away and I just wasnt feeling it. I told Kevin this but he was able to persuade me to go. The party was quite boring and we ended up not staying that long because we werent having a good time. It sucked that we had to drive almost 2 hours for nothing. Your gut is usually right

3) I have had many times where I have left my house a little bit later than expected or stayed at an event a little longer because I just had a feeling. There have been several occassions where there were accidents that occured at the same exact place and time I would have been had I left at the right time. Listen and you could save yourself

Getting to know YOU

1. If you could host a Reality TV show, which one would it be?

I would want to host So You Think You Can Dance or Project Runway. I would like to be up close and personal to these talents.
2. Do you put your seatbelt on before or after you start the car?
3. Shave or hair removal cream?
Shave but as soon as I become rich one of the first things I am going to get done is Laser Hair Removal. I hate shaving and I will be the first to admit that I am lazy about it and don't do it as often as I should

4. What's your favorite feature in a house?
I love kitchens!! I want granite countertops, a beautiful island, big and open, and gorgeous appliances
5. What is your favorite "Fall" scent?
I love the smell of nature in general. Smells yummy outside. I also love pumpkin
6. What tv show are you looking forward to seeing the most this Fall??
Dexter. But all I really care about on TV in the fall is football. WOOT!
7. Personal Shopper or Personal Chef?
Personal Chef. I can cook but I would love if I had a chef so I wouldn't have to cook and so I would not have to decide what we are going to eat that evening. I never can come up with enough ideas and I feel we are always eating the same things every night... Oh and when I have money I LOVE shopping
8. What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of "Fall"?
Football!! You all should have know that. Oh gosh Im super duper excited. Its so close.

Have a Great Sunday!