Hey everyone. Since Aimee is currently inundated with work, I, Kevin, (her boyfriend) am here to write her odd news blog post. Seeing as how most of what I write is either political or terrible advice, i'll try to stay away from giving terrible political advice (Vote for LaRouche!).
First Story:
'Zombies' Have Free Speech Rights Too, US Court Says.
Ok, so seriously, Zombies are entitled to free speech? This may be the most ridiculous story I've ever seen. Anyone with any sense of logic knows that Zombies are trying to push their people-eating agenda through the courts system. How anti-American is this judge to allow them these basic rights?
I may sound like an overly-patriotic bigot, but I believe that once you die, re-animate, and start consuming the flesh of the living, you've given up your first amendment rights. Go up to Canada where they allow that sort of thing.
We all know that Zombies are enemy number one when it comes to our national security. Armed with the ability to dominate the media, who knows how many other zombies they'll be able to recruit to their cause. Thanks Minneapolis judge! You just sped up the Zombie Apocalypse.
Story Numero Dos:
Tribes Show Best Camels at Beauty Pageant.
In the second story of the day, the Miss Arabia pageant was won by Camella the Camel. She ran into a bit of controversy during the talent competition as she performed the highly controversial "Water drink". The shocked audience nonetheless applauded fiercely as she drank enough to sustain herself for a few months.
Other talents on display at the pageant consisted of one contestant walking through a sandstorm, while another chewed something.
Camella was overjoyed as they read her name, staring akwardly as the judges congratulated her.
Thanks for reading. Aimee shall return to her regularly scheduled blog this weekend.
**My name is Aimee and I will be blogging themed days usually. I will try to touch on a variety of topics and try to make this blog an interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read! I hope you enjoy your time here.**
Important Pages
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
VIDEOS-Project Runway!
Ok as promised, however very late, here are the past videos of the songs that Chris and Kevin wrote and performed that were inspired by PR episodes. i dont have much time (slacking off at work). So you just get the videos with no explanations-Sorry. But enjoy!
O and I am still learning blogging so I dont know how to put the actual video in the blog-so here are the links
Stay tune for my regular Monday blog entry!
O and I am still learning blogging so I dont know how to put the actual video in the blog-so here are the links
Stay tune for my regular Monday blog entry!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Rugrats on the Cat Walk... PR Rundown!
So first an update. I have almost figured out all my days thus far. It will of course vary (like this week) depending on specific circumstances. Please see below of the finallized list of my days
Monday: Pictures are worth 1000 words
Tuesday: Tuesday's feature (pick of the week with a review)
Wednesday: Usually a rest day
Thursday: Sports from a Girls Point of View
Friday: Random Friday-Will focus on odd news stories
Saturday: TBD still
Sunday: PR Rundown (Summary of Project Runway + videos)... This one is subject to be pushed off if don't watch PR in time
Now on to the RUNDOWN
Every week I will do a summary of Project Runways episode and I will also include a video (or videos) that the boys did based on that weeks episode. You can find here an explanation of how intense and competitive we are about PR haha.
So this week on Project Runway the designers had to make a look for little ones, the kids were ages 5-8. Of course, there was a twist halfway through the episode and the designers got told that they had to do a complimentary adult look.
Personally I thought every single designer did a great job. I felt that no one should have gone home this week, I mean there wasnt a "sucky" or poorly designed piece. There were also a lot of good pieces. It's getting much harder to pick who is going to leave now.
The winner was Seth Aaron and his looks were very hip and fashionable. You can find it here. It was impeciably done and he deserved to win..I just wish I would have picked him for this week.
The loser was Janeane. Her design was not horrible. She was on the bottom 3 last week so I guess her time had come, especially because she was nothing special. Her designs were boring and she remained true to that on the design that got her booted off.
Stay tune for a blog entry with the video summaries from the boys.
Monday: Pictures are worth 1000 words
Tuesday: Tuesday's feature (pick of the week with a review)
Wednesday: Usually a rest day
Thursday: Sports from a Girls Point of View
Friday: Random Friday-Will focus on odd news stories
Saturday: TBD still
Sunday: PR Rundown (Summary of Project Runway + videos)... This one is subject to be pushed off if don't watch PR in time
Now on to the RUNDOWN
Every week I will do a summary of Project Runways episode and I will also include a video (or videos) that the boys did based on that weeks episode. You can find here an explanation of how intense and competitive we are about PR haha.
So this week on Project Runway the designers had to make a look for little ones, the kids were ages 5-8. Of course, there was a twist halfway through the episode and the designers got told that they had to do a complimentary adult look.
Personally I thought every single designer did a great job. I felt that no one should have gone home this week, I mean there wasnt a "sucky" or poorly designed piece. There were also a lot of good pieces. It's getting much harder to pick who is going to leave now.
The winner was Seth Aaron and his looks were very hip and fashionable. You can find it here. It was impeciably done and he deserved to win..I just wish I would have picked him for this week.
The loser was Janeane. Her design was not horrible. She was on the bottom 3 last week so I guess her time had come, especially because she was nothing special. Her designs were boring and she remained true to that on the design that got her booted off.
Stay tune for a blog entry with the video summaries from the boys.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
"Are you my father?" Ultimate Prank!
Ok so have not watched Project Runway yet so I can not do my summary yet. Have no fear though. I have to tell you guys about one of the best pranks I have ever pulled-I love pranks, too much fun.
A little Background
I was hanging out with my older cousin, Jeff, yesterday. I hadn't seen him in over 4 years. We went and picked up his 15 year old daughter to hang out. So we all were just hanging around and couldn't decide what we wanted to do so we started plotting and came up with this great prank... Oh and just an important note that will become relevant later. His daughter looks way different now.
The Prank
So we paid a surprise visit to my mom and as we were driving over we expanded our master plot. We sent Rissy (the daughter) up first to knock on the door asking for my mom, who opened the door. Rissy then told her she was looking for her dad. She said her name was Kimberly and she was 18 years old and her mom just told her who her dad was. Then she asked, do you know Jeff? My mom then invited her in and said "Oh well I guess I am your aunt". So Rissy did a great job with the story saying she had never met Jeff or knew anything about him. We left her up there for about 5 minutes then I went in-my mom knew I was dropping by. She used her serious voice and said. "Aimee come in and shut the door". She looked super concerned. But then my cousin Jeff came in right after and my mom was like "OMG" and was SOOOOOO shocked.
She was so fooled which is so awesome because she always plays pranks.. I guess my mom talked a little about Jeff and gave her the number she had for him. My mom later told us that so many things going through her head: should she call Jeff and tell him? should she just give her the information. It was so much fun. My mom still didn't put it all together because she was like "Well who is this?" about Rissy because she was scared it was one of his girlfriends. HAHA she didn't recognize her at all.
We then played the same trick on my dad later. Oh yesterday was so much fun! Very random and it was nice to see my cousins after all this time.
Have a great Sunday!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Is there a Phobia of Texting?- Random Fridays
Oh man. I don't think I have ever been as excited and geeked out on a Friday as much as I am right this second. I am about to leave work to take my bus and let me tell you-I am more excited than a fat kid in a cake factory or a druggie in a meth lab!
So Everyday there is some type of story about texting. I am even subscribed to a Google Alert of texting to see how many news articles there are. I cant find the article that I read about the Worlds Fastest Texter but can you say ridiculous? WOW and this was on the normal news. I get texting. I mean its a necessity nowadays. But to have fastest texter competitions?
Ok well I am going to be late for my train. So I am going to leave you with some weird phobias. I am going to add a new one. I have a phobia of too many texters-going to take over the world. (texthappytoomuchphobia)
Aulophobia- Fear of flutes
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down (what about laying down)
Sophophobia- Fear of learning
Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow
Sorry did I scare you with that last one?
Do you have any weird fears
I hope you have a great Friday!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Olympics, football trades. O MY!-Sports from a Chick's Eye
Hello my lovely followers and readers! So after a lot of thought and several blog drafts I decided that Thursdays will be my focus on sports (but from a girl's POV). There is a lot of sports going on right now especially with the Olympics but I will try to narrow it down to a few key stories (and by key, I mean what I find most important).
The Olympics:
So the olympics have been in full swing for almost a week now and I am happy to announce that the US is still ahead in medal count (we have 14 total)! WOOT. I use to love that as a kid, to know how many medals each country had. The two stories I want to focus on briefly deal with snowboarding.
2. Lindsey Vonn- Alpine Skiing
Do you like sports? Are you watching the Olympics?
The Olympics:
So the olympics have been in full swing for almost a week now and I am happy to announce that the US is still ahead in medal count (we have 14 total)! WOOT. I use to love that as a kid, to know how many medals each country had. The two stories I want to focus on briefly deal with snowboarding.
- Shaun White-Snowboard
Master of Many Sports with 2 Golds to show for it!
This guy is ridiculously talented. Its one thing to be great at one sport but he is not only good at snowboarding but skateboarding as well. He wowed the world with his ridiculous talent on the snowboard halfpipe competition where he took Gold for the 2nd time. I sadly wasn't able to watch this but I did see short video clips and read all about it. I love when people up the stakes. Shaun pretty much had the Gold wrapped up but that didn't stop him from doing mindblowing tricks on his last run. Well deserved win Shaun.2. Lindsey Vonn- Alpine Skiing
3rd time is the charm!
I guess 3rd time is the charm for Lindsey Vonn. She won her first gold in her 3rd Olympics. She put her injury behind her and was able to just suffer through the pain to gain the ultimate reward. Me? I am happy to reward myself with fatty foods after a workout-I guess this can be comparable right? She is also the first American Woman to win the Gold for downhill skiing. That's some girl power for you!
Charger News:
News Flash! I LOVE the Chargers. They are my all time favorite team and actually more of a passion. I even have a charger bolt tattoo (I will post the picture-after I get it fixed). I cried when they got booted out of the playoffs (even tho its been a yearly experience). But every year I say "There's always next year!"
Anywho. I came across an article yesterday that was talking about Cromartie is most likely going to be traded. For most of you, Cromartie is a high ranking Cornerback for the Chargers (he actually use to be on my top 3 fav. players) The reason why I wanted to address this topic though was because of the last paragraph that one of the things he would be able to get out of the trade s more places to father children. I found this really funny because he has 7 children in 5 different states... See sports can be interesting!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bowling Alley in a house is a must- Tuesday's Feature.
So Tuesdays will be my random thing(s) of the week. I will pick normal or out of the normal things to feature/review.
Before I begin I would like to encourage you to go over to these 2 blogs. They are both doing giveaways (I think everyone is in a giving mode-how lovely) and they both have fantastic blogs that you should check out.
- First we have Low Tide High style.check it out. She is so sweet to be offering this giveaway for Valentine's Day (especially considering she would love to have this gift in her own house).
- The second is a blog I just recently started following. Kim at My Domestic Bliss always finds great things and also has a very great decorating style as well. I am jealous of the budget-friendly items she finds. Check out her awesome giveaway and her blog!
I love love looking at properties that I most likely will never have enough money to own-but a girl can dream right? So this week I am going to do property of the week.
1) Sandcastle Estate in Bridgehampton, NY
This house has 19bedrooms and 14 baths. It is located on 11.5 acres of land in Bridgehampton. The extras are always what gets me. It has a skateboard half pipe and a rock climbing wall-def. necessities in the home. Oh and did I mention the bowling alley? It's only $49,000,000- I can afford that someday!
I couldn't find my dream house in any of the current listings I looked through. I one day want to live in a Spanish style house with a center of the house courtyard and everything:)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Why I love CA *Pictures are worth a Million Words*
Hello Everyone and a happy Monday to you all!! I know most of you are celebrating your 3-day weekend. Me? I am not so lucky. I must work. Oh well.
Here are some pictures to express why I LOVE California and could never live anywhere else:) Enjoy!
Here are some pictures to express why I LOVE California and could never live anywhere else:) Enjoy!
**What most places look like right now (This is Ohio)**
**It was hot enough this weekend to hit the beach** I had several friends go and I was tempted to jump into the pool
Have a great President's Day!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Bright Colors for a Pregnant Lady-Oh My! *Project Runway Rundown!*
Before I begin my blog I would like to thank Wendy at Relatively Unique for featuring me in her blog today... I am really honored and appreciative. Go check out her blog, it is very good. Thank you Wendy! You are awesome.
Every week my boyfriend Kevin and I go over to our friends Chris and D-Lo’s house to watch Project Runway. This is the 2nd season we have done it and we have now made a competition out of it to make it even more interesting. Each week (after the runway part but before the judges give their opinions) we each pick who we think is going to win and lose for the week. You get 1 point for right guesses. Chris made a very detailed Excel spreadsheet. The boys also write a short song (usually very folky) about that week’s episode while us gals watch Models of the Runway.
So on Saturdays (except when I am extremely busy-which it will then fall to Sunday) I will do a short recap of PR and also post one of the boy’s awesome videos… I don’t have one this week though. This should give everyone ample time to watch it before then so I am not spoiling it for anyone. If you don’t watch PR yet you definitely should. It’s on Thursdays at 10 pm et on Lifetime.

There was no interesting fun drama to talk about on this show this week nor anything that really stuck out to me.. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong on this point. It was pretty quiet and everyone was extremely focused working on their own designs. However, some people have taken a disliking to Ian because he talks to himself and is quite obnoxious (but he has some great designs so they are just going to have to put up with his schizophrenia).
Oh, an important note… since they were designing for the March edition the colors were extremely important (I mean come on its spring-show me those Turquoises, yellows, pinks, and bright greens). Some people didn’t catch this memo especially Mina, who I don’t like at all, who produced an ace bandage dress.
So on to the results… The loser made me and D-lo very sad as it was one of our favorites but it was a well deserved kick off. Her design was very last season and boring. The good news about her going though? All four of us picked her as the loser so we all got one point for the week (no one picked the winner).
*How can you not love her though? She was so sweet just not talented enough.*
The winner was Anthony . I don’t know why I didn’t pick this one to win. The color choice was perfect for Heidi and it was very Spring-esque. Also the judges love volume and unique patterns. I hope that Heidi can stay un-pregnant long enough to wear this dress
As I noted before we were all tired so the boys didn’t end up doing a song for this episode and us girls didn’t watch Models of the Runway-sad times.
Thanks for reading!
P.S. Oh Happy Valentine's Day to those of you who celebrate it! And to the rest of you. Happy Sunday!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Random Fridays- V-Day Special
So I am still trying to figure out all my themed days but it is an adventure.
I have decided though that Fridays would be random information (whether it be an odd news story, a crazy picture, or an out of the ordinary event). I don't know about you but I love reading the odd news on Yahoo or Google news. I find it very interesting.
I decided that on behalf of Valentine's Day, a holiday I don't like very much, I will feature some related odd stories.
*A whole new spin on Love Stinks!*
1)Love stinks! Minn. farmer creates manure valentine
A man made a Valentine for his wife out of Manure- was he trying to be original or tell his wife that their love life was crap? Since I am not a cynic (especially when it comes to love) we will go with the first one. I will give him points on originality and thoughtfulness.
*Be careful when you sniff these roses...You might get more than just a scent.*
Of course this story involves Columbia and Amsterdam-I mean come on its about drugs. I feel that they had the right intentions, why not do a line off of a rose? You're sniffing it anyway so you won't look suspicious. While they were at it though they should have been trying to send "special chocolate" as well.
What about you? Do you know of any weird Valentines Day stories or any other odd stories in general? They are my favorite:)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
"Plunging headfirst" into the Blogging World
Hello! My name is Aimee Grove and I have just gotten into this crazy blogging world. I keep asking myself why I am starting a blog. I know that once I finish this entry and publish it that I have officially plunged head first into being a "blogger" . I am not a good writer, I never excelled at it in school or in my personal life but I have become enthralled by blogs so I figured I should just take the plunge.
So enough with the back story and the disclaimers. Here is my short and sweet introduction:
Name: Aimee
Age: 22
About me: A recent college graduate (BA in Economics and Business-emphasis in Marketing) who now is an Account Executive for a small company that specializes in stock option management and accounting compliance software. My goal in life is to become a successful CFO, hopefully for a quick growth private company so that I can help them prepare for an IPO. As for my personal life, I live with my boyfriend and our roommate in a condo in southern CA with our two cats. I am happy hanging with my girls or my boyfriend, spending hours at a book store, going out to bars or lounges, watching/playing sports, reading blogs, or playing board games.
Behind the name: If you are familar with KROQ, more so the Kevin & Bean show, that is where my blog name came from. One of their segments is called "Thanks for that info Bean" because he is always going into a lot of detail about the most random things.What the blog will be about: I haven't ironed out all the details but I know I am going to have themed days (it's the only way that I will be motivated to do this blog). My themed days however probably will not be alliterations (ie Wordless Wednesdays) Here are some of my ideas for themed days, I just need to narrow these down and pick nifty titles. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Thanks for reading!
I started racking my brain and asking my boyfriend (who by the way is 100x more talented at writing than I am-visit his blog http://kevinisranting.blogspot.com) for advice on my first blog. What should I call it? What should my theme be? How often should I write? And the big one...Should I even write a blog at all? Well obviously the answer to that last question was a yes.
So enough with the back story and the disclaimers. Here is my short and sweet introduction:
Name: Aimee
Age: 22
About me: A recent college graduate (BA in Economics and Business-emphasis in Marketing) who now is an Account Executive for a small company that specializes in stock option management and accounting compliance software. My goal in life is to become a successful CFO, hopefully for a quick growth private company so that I can help them prepare for an IPO. As for my personal life, I live with my boyfriend and our roommate in a condo in southern CA with our two cats. I am happy hanging with my girls or my boyfriend, spending hours at a book store, going out to bars or lounges, watching/playing sports, reading blogs, or playing board games.
**My cats! Sophie (top) and Mocha (bottom). They are my "kids" for now**
Behind the name: If you are familar with KROQ, more so the Kevin & Bean show, that is where my blog name came from. One of their segments is called "Thanks for that info Bean" because he is always going into a lot of detail about the most random things.
- Sports from a Girl's point of view
- Design Day- My favorite blogs to read are those focused on Interior Design and Renovation (ie http://humbleablog.blogspot.com/). I can feature some of my favorite designs of the week if I don't have a current project I am working
- Random Moments (Friday)- might be from my week or from a Bloggers
- A "Blank" of the week-books, movies, businesses, candy, person, shape, blog etc.
- Financial Talk and Tips
- Just Vent- Sometimes you just need to vent...Followers can post their vents of the week here.
- Dreams/Goals/Aspirations
Thanks for reading!
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